• @masquenox@lemmy.world
    85 months ago

    Oh, nice… techno-solution No. 456927493923990003038. You know… the same ole’ techno-solutions they’ve been promising us will solve all the capitalism-instigated problems (ie, problems that aren’t technological in nature) since at least the 80s?

    I’ll just go ahead and file this with the rest.

    • @cyd@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      since at least the 80s

      People have been reliant on “ole’ techno-solutions” since the dawn of humanity 2 million years ago on the African savannah, long before capitalism was even a thing. Just sayin’.

      • Victor
        15 months ago

        I think in this case it’s a matter of definition what constitutes a “techno-solution”, specifically the “techno” part. Just saying.

      • @masquenox@lemmy.world
        -15 months ago

        People have been reliant on “ole’ techno-solutions” since the dawn of humanity

        Soooo… according to you people have been relying on “techno-solutions” to fix the problems caused by capitalism long before capitalism was even invented.

        Yeah… that makes total sense.

    • @CheeseNoodle@lemmy.world
      45 months ago

      Damn right, many techno-solutions already exist and have for a while but don’t get used, usually due to bribery by the purveyors of the problem.

      • @ripcord@lemmy.world
        55 months ago

        No, usually because of the same reason most of these innovations don’t work. They don’t scale for one of 1000 reasons.

        Not everything is a conspiracy.

    • @VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
      25 months ago

      No one said its a magic wand, it’s one of many things that could potrntislly help reduce the damage we do to the ecosystem.

      Yes capitalism bad but there’s eight billion people on the planet so a communist system would also need modern materials to allow everyone to live a good life.

      • @masquenox@lemmy.world
        15 months ago

        No one said its a magic wand,

        Of course they don’t say it’s a “magic wand…” even the media doesn’t think you’re that stupid.

        it’s one of many things that could potrntislly help reduce the damage we do to the ecosystem.

        So when do they start? As I’ve already implied - they’ve been enthusiastically peddling “techno-fixes” to these problems since at least the 80s (I know because I was there), and they haven’t made much of a dent, have they? Does it perhaps have something to do with the fact that the problems caused by capitalism isn’t technological, perhaps?

        so a communist system would also need modern materials to allow

        If the problems aren’t technological it means modern materials isn’t the problem, is it?

        • @VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
          05 months ago

          The problem is caused by eight billion people wanting to live full lives with meaning and purpose.

          I guess your childhood was very different to mine, or more likely you’d currently living in a sealed community like the Amish but locked to cassette decks and big hair. For those of us living in reality things have changed massively since the 80s, even the US has more solar generation than coal generation, electric car usage is starting to dent oil demand, work from home and automation is starting to reduce commuting - but you wouldn’t know about these things because they’re only possible due to lots of advances that happened since you got frozen in the time bubble.

          No its not perfect, life is hugely complex and global society even more so but less people die of dysentery every year, more industries move to sustainable models and ecologically safe practices all the time, and new options for people trying to create solutions reach the market everyday.

          What do you think we should do? Shut off the oil snd let billions die as global society collapsed and chaos is unleashed as billions od desperate people destroy everything in a panic? Or more likely you don’t have a solution because you don’t care it’s just an empty argument to help you avoid reality.

          If you install a communist system will people magically not want food and water and entertainment? Did Deng modernise Mao s vision because the revolutionaries were all secretly CIA agents or because it’s.not actually very easy to create a fully working centrally planned economy?

          Just saying capitalism is the problem doesn’t help anyone if your only solution is wishing upon a star.

          • @masquenox@lemmy.world
            -15 months ago

            yet more inane blathering

            I thought that only tankies resort to flooding a reply with bullshit whining to try and deflect from the point - yet here you are, liberal.

            I guess you really aren’t that different.

    • @VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
      15 months ago

      Life is better due to millions of technological developments, no one said that this or anybtech will solve all the problems associated with keeping 8 billion people alive and happy but it’s likely to have some important use cases which will combine with

      • @masquenox@lemmy.world
        -15 months ago

        Life is better

        For whom? The kiddies who mined the cobalt in your phone?

        solve all the problems associated with keeping 8 billion people alive and happy

        Riiight… because that’s what capitalism is concerned with - keeping 8 billion people happy. Nothing to do with profits, eh?

        • @VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
          05 months ago

          That’s such a pathetic response, you’ve heard the talking point that cobalt is mined in shitty conditions so that’s your magic handwave to avoid having to actually interact with reality.

          Yes that mobile phone you hate has completely changed the prospects of many of the poorest people on the planet, avoiding having to build cable infrastructure over Africa’s complex geography has allowed remote communities to have access to emergency services, education, and all the other benefits of modern communication.

          If you actually got involved in projects devoted to helping improve material conditions for impoverished people you’d know all this but of course you don’t, you only care about the kids in Africa when you can use them to score s political point or to avoid engaging in society to a meaningful degree.

          Your bullshit is paper thin, you pretend to be so worthy that you can’t possibly participate in capitalism but you don’t have any solutions beside sneering st everyone who is actually making positive changes in the world. You don’t just want to be lazy you want to be celebrated as a moral hero for it.

          Where is your solution? If every scientist, engineer, tech, office worker and operator is so evil and stupid for working under capitalism then where’s your solution? How are you going to help all the people in shit situations AND transition away from unsustainable practices such as burning fossil fuels?

          Oh, you don’t have anything at all beside platitudes, slogans and snappy memes?

          • @masquenox@lemmy.world
            -15 months ago

            Oh look… Mister Liberal has turned full-on capitalism-apologist.

            No surprises there.

            you’ve heard the talking point that cobalt is mined

            I live in a 3rd world mining town, apologist. Go on… tell me how happy we should be.

            that mobile phone you hate has completely changed the prospects of many of the poorest people on the planet,

            So capitalism has been good to poor people, hey? We can’t have healthcare or even clean drinking water - but those cellphones must sure be worth it!

            blah, blah, blah, blather, blather, blather

            You can take the rest of your wall-of-text apologetics and shove it where the sun don’t shine, you creep.

            • @VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
              15 months ago

              Haha oh wow I love when people tell lies like this! You’re in a 3rd world mining town in an impoverished region without access to drinking water but you can post all day on lemmy in perfect written English?

              If your story was true it’d prove everything I was explaining about internet connectivity and mobile telephony.

              My grandad actually was a miner who died young just like his dad and his dad before him, back then you didn’t need to venture into the depths of the DRC to find illegal cobalt mines, all mining was a slow death sentence but then technologies changed that. We’ve even started using EAF in steel production so the ecological impact of making things like steel rail tracks is being reduced and coal mining can be transitioned away from.

              You think one bad thing existing now is worse than the brutal conditions of the past because you have no concept of reality and how truly brutal things used to be. Comditions are improving in the drc too, there are huge international efforts on going especially formalization of ASM sites to end exploitation and unsafe practices. The majority of cobalt is from LSM sites with formalized safety protection and community support tieins, I’m sure you’re gong to tell me where in the DRC you live do I can tell you details of local initiatives? I mean you live in a 3rd world country that mines cobalt that’s pretty much only the DRC, maybe papa new guinea or morroco, possibly Phillipines if you really want to stretch the definition of 3rd world, or Cuba but then you couldn’t blame capitalism for that mine so I’m guessing not…

              Face reality, tech developments improve the lives of people regardless of the system in place - yes or would be nice to move past capitalism and greed based society but we’re not going to do that by living in s fantasy land.

              • @masquenox@lemmy.world
                -25 months ago

                You’re in a 3rd world mining town in an impoverished region without access to drinking water but you can post all day on lemmy in perfect written English?

                So you don’t actually know squat about the people you pretend should be “thankful” for your glorious parasite ideology, eh apologist?

                Yeah… no surprises there.

                You know what we have a term for people over here who pretend we should be “thankful” for the (supposed) “gift” of colonialism - we call you white supremacists.

                all mining was a slow death sentence but then technologies changed that

                No, you irredeemably useless techno-fetishist - saftey measures organised labour fought and died for changed that. I guess your family was too busy licking the boots of the rich to inform you of that, eh? It would explain a lot.

                With liberals like you, who the fuck needs fascists?

                • @VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
                  05 months ago

                  Ha sure buddy, keep the fantasy going and use absurd claims to justify your total lack of an argument.

                  Are you not embarrassed within yourself?

                  • @masquenox@lemmy.world
                    -15 months ago

                    What? No more walls-of-text to peddle your pro-colonialist claptrap, apologist?

                    Afriad of further outing yourself as a white supremacist, perhaps?

                    Most liberals have the good sense to remain quiet when their self-entitled “expertise” gets debunked - but I guess you didn’t get that memo, eh?