In theory, tax payer paid healthcare is a good idea. In theory.

  • Alice
    12 months ago

    Yep. Me to. I tend to post non political stuff but I don’t think anyone is interested in that

    • NeuromancerM
      22 months ago

      Depends what it is.

      Outside of this forum, I generally don’t talk politics. Yet, creepy stalkers will follow me to try to talk politics in unrelated forums.

      So what do you like to talk about? I like guns. I’m not a gun nut but I’ve been around them all my life, carried on the police force and military. I like to read a lot. I watch a lot of movies. Haha. Maybe we need topic on non-political discussion for conservatives

      • Alice
        12 months ago

        That’s a good idea I think I’ll make a community like that. That’s those are cool interests.

        I like tech, learning and finding new social media protocols, apps, AI apps, clothes, gadgets, robots, ai, funny and stupid questions, movies to definitely horror movies

        • NeuromancerM
          22 months ago

          I don’t play a lot of games but I love fallout. I’ve played it since it was wasteland.

          I love horror movies. Also move that are just different. John wick. All started because of a dog

          • Alice
            12 months ago

            I like watching horror game play throughs.

            That’s one I did lol I really like Daz games or Daz black. He’s funny.

            I love horror movies too but I can’t watch them. The boogyman 2023 was so scary man I had to turn it off. Lol

            I have to have someone watch them with me lol

            I still need to watch John wick 4 was it good ?

            I like making funny videos too. I haven’t lately. But I want to

            • NeuromancerM
              22 months ago

              Four was decent. Wrapped the story up. Not as good as two in my opinion. I like the old school horror like candy man, nightmare on elm street, hellraiser, etc

              • Alice
                12 months ago

                Man those are good I haven’t seen candy man though lol