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Conservatives Quickly Turn Against “Idiot” Marjorie Taylor Greene

The Georgia Republican is fast falling out of favor for her opposition to the Ukraine aid bill.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s failed fight to end aid to Ukraine, and her sort-of-serious crusade against House Speaker Mike Johnson, has cost her the support of right-wing media.

The Sunday front page of the New York Post, owned by the conservative Murdoch family, was the latest outlet to attack Greene, invoking the “Moscow Marjorie” nickname coined by former representative Ken Buck.

Fox News, another arm of the Murdoch media empire, had already taken aim at the Georgia Republican last week, with columnist Liz Peek calling her an “idiot” and saying she needs to “turn all that bombastic self-serving showmanship and drama queen energy on Democrats.” This follows an editorial last month from The Wall Street Journal, also in the Murdoch portfolio, that called Greene “Rep. Mayhem Taylor Greene” and accused her and her allies of being “most interested in TV hits and internet donors.”

Even a non-Murdoch outlet is on the attack, as conservative Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Debra Saunders demanded to know “who put Marjorie Taylor Greene in charge?”

  • NeuromancerM
    02 months ago

    That’s such a weird question. No but I don’t see a mass order or genocide and the government validates what I’m perceiving.

      2 months ago

      I asked it because your last response was essentially “the government says it’s ok so it’s ok”.

      It’s ok if that’s how you feel and you agree with the government on this. But “the government said so” is not a very strong argument to make.

      Governments can and frequently are wrong. That’s why the founding fathers decided to create their own.

      • NeuromancerM
        02 months ago

        The government validates all the lies I’ve heard about a genocide. It confirms what I already thought was true

          • NeuromancerM
            02 months ago

            No, it’s called validation. A confirmation bias is where you seek sources that agree with you.

              • NeuromancerM
                02 months ago

                I know it stings to be wrong but there isn’t a genocide according to the government and most governments of the world. It’s weird you want to say they are wrong on Israel but right on Ukraine.

                  12 months ago

                  I know it stings to be wrong but just because the government refuses to call something what it is doesn’t mean the thing isn’t there.

                  I’m curious, what is your end goal by engaging in this thread? Cause you’re not convincing anyone of your take.

                  • NeuromancerM
                    02 months ago

                    I will not convince people who are disconnected from the real world. My goal is to make sure the truth is out in the open.