Even Google has had enough of this shit.

    • NeuromancerOPM
      -42 months ago

      Guess you didn’t read the title. In the United states.

      Murder is an illegal killing and what is Israel is doing isn’t murder under the law.

      • @BobaFuttbucker@reddthat.com
        2 months ago

        Which law? Israel’s or Palestines?

        Since the murders took place in Palestine, wouldn’t it fall under Palestinian law? In that case, Israel is defying the law by invoking the death penalty without the consent of the President.

        Otherwise any country can attack any country as long as they say “this murder isn’t illegal under my own laws so it’s ok”.

        Either way, it doesn’t matter since your previous comment invokes the US Government, so you set your own goalpost on that one there bud.

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -42 months ago

          No murders happened.

          Once again, you involved the us government for some strange reason.

          The two parties are at war. Civilians deaths will happen. It’s not murder unless Israel didn’t follow the rules of warfare which the United States has said they did.

          Take one lesson from this. War sucks and we should avoid it.

          • @BobaFuttbucker@reddthat.com
            32 months ago

            You’re the one that responded by saying the US Government doesn’t agree with me. I responded in kind with what US Law defines as mass murder.

            Then you shifted the goalposts by claiming that since this doesn’t fall under US Law, it’s not illegal.

            So I asked under which law this applies. Since you have not yet directly addressed this question, then I’m going with the legal definition supplied until you supply another.

            Rules of warfare are not replacement for law.

            I agree that war sucks and we should avoid it. That’s why it’s so important to call it what it is - murder. Even if our government’s leadership won’t.

            • NeuromancerOPM
              -42 months ago

              The rules of warfare are law.

              You can call it murder all you want but that doesn’t make it murder.

              • @BobaFuttbucker@reddthat.com
                2 months ago

                Depends on which set of rules you invoke. Some are laws but most are simply treaties nations have agreed to follow. That isn’t the same as law.

                Either way, any killing en masse is mass murder. The only variables are exact number of victims, the murderer, and individual leader’s public stances. I attempted to follow your goalpost by providing the US definition but since you’re not yet clearly defining which law this particular instance of mass murder applies to, I’m going to continue to call it what it is.