Cross posting from news, thought people might be interested in discussing it here.

  • Greyscale
    171 year ago

    These are the people claiming that “they can always tell” too… Clowns.

    • SpeckleOP
      91 year ago

      Yes! So many female friends of mine with short hair have been challenged, sometimes really aggressively, in toilets and told to get out…

      • tfw you go around thinking about M I L L I M E T E R S O F B O N E and the way cis ppl “tell” is just… hair… that anybody can cut or grow out

        71 year ago

        I don’t even have short hair, I’m just big. I’ve been confronted in bathrooms too. Even had a man follow me into the women’s bathroom shouting that I was in the wrong one.

        It’s crazy.

            71 year ago

            At least I am an adult, and can handle it. This poor little girl is only 9 years old! And it didn’t happen in a private bathroom, it happened to her in front of her classmates and an entire audience watching her track meet!