• @mim
    1 year ago


    You presented nothing besides pointing to the North Korean constitution and believing what is written there. You also believe that the D in DPRK actually means they are democratic, and that somehow power passing from father to son without any election is normal and acceptable. Except if countries without a communist aesthetic do it, then it’s a monarchy.

    Just admit it, you are an American Gen Z LARPing as a revolutionary. It’s easy to talk when you never had to live in a 3rd world country under an authoritarian ruler.

      • @mim
        1 year ago

        I do.

        My source is all the UN reports on human rights abuses.

        What’s yours? The Pyongyang Times?

          • @mim
            11 year ago

            Are UN reports not reliable enough for you?

            Do you want me to Google search them for you?

              • @mim
                01 year ago

                Why would that matter?

                Are you going to refute the UN reports? Go ahead. I need some entertainment.

                  • @mim
                    01 year ago

                    Ok, it seems I got the tankie bot stuck in a loop.

                    You’re not entertaining anymore.