My recent musings on Gopher-commerce. Humbly submitted to the community for discussion…

  • jrsharpOP
    31 year ago

    Ok, y’all. I’ve really appreciated all the early feedback on this, and it’s gotten me inspired to keep the momentum going on this thing by getting just a few (30 total) stickers printed up for our gopher community to try this out. As part of a bigger thing I’m doing, (phlog post explaining the whole thing a little better forthcoming…) I’ve posted a page for checking out these stickers and providing a means to move forward testing some of what’s been discussed here – send me an email w/ PayPal, or send me a SASE w/ $2, etc… Given the small number, (a test batch I hope will sell right out. ;)) go ahead and send an to to reserve a spot – first come, first…