Since Germany’s legalisation, I started rolling joints myself instead of making my SO do all the work lol

    23 months ago

    Practice makes perfect!

    Nice looking joint.

    I’m not in awe of the man who’s built 10,000 things once. I’m in awe of the man who’s built one thing 10,000 times.

    — Bruce Lee

        22 months ago

        Do you compress the pot by rolling it back and forth before wrapping the paper? Also is your pot dry?

        This particular joint looks like it’s kinda loose.

        I knew an old guy with no teeth in Indiana who was part of a family that sold tons of pot. This guy was the family’s designated joint roller and holy shit could he roll a joint. They were perfectly cylindrical, with a filter at one end and the other end tucked down tighter and more symmetrically than an angel’s butthole.

        We used to sit there and smoke those joints and play “Greedy”, which is a dice game involving five dice.

        Later when I was introduced to the November Games at MIT, the dice game they play is identical to Greedy.

        • Firestorm DruidOP
          12 months ago

          It was dry, I did not roll it back and forth because I lack the dexterity to do that properly without risking a huge spill, and it was pretty loose because I didn’t pack it full enough - had I put a bit more damiana in it, it probably would have turned out fine.

          Cool story! Have you had the chance to pay him/them a visit sometime later?