In theory, tax payer paid healthcare is a good idea. In theory.

          03 months ago

          Admittedly I was because I caught on to the power tripping nature of this community’s mod.

          But that’s how they want to run it so I’m back complying like a good little user and am just going to keep my thoughts to the comments section where that’s allowed.

          You see, conservative opinions only work when being broadcasted while burying out dissenting voices. If those voices are too loud, too many people may not agree with conservatives.

          • Alice
            3 months ago

            I wasn’t following y’alls conversation and I’m Not interested in having a political discussion either. I’m sick of politics online and I don’t want to see it or talk about it all the fucking time.

            Not sure what u mean nor am I gunna puck it apart and argue. Obviously I disagree. I consider myself conservative, and also an instance admin and I don’t feel the need to ‘take action’

            Yall both honestly need to chill out lol calm down. Try to connect as just people dude not I’m a this and their a that.

            Yall aren’t gunna agree on shit so come on lol stop fighting eachother.

            I mean you do you, this is just how it is with political shit. It’s annoying. Anyway idk drink a beer

            • NeuromancerM
              13 months ago

              I’m sick of politics online I am tried of it creeping into any discussion. There is a time and place for politics but not everything is political.

              I like my Tesla and people act like I murdered someone.

              3 months ago

              If you’re sick of politics online, why are you engaging in a political community?

              I’ve made many good faith efforts with this person to have rational discussions and have even agreed with them on some points. Unfortunately they melts down and uses straw man arguments when proven wrong, sympathizes with sexual predators and victim blames consistently.

              Apologies if it offends you, but you don’t have to be here either. I sense a lot of hostility here from dissenting opinions, it seems to be a trend.

                • NeuromancerM
                  22 months ago

                  Well this a more political forum. My issue is it creeps out into everything. That’s what I find annoying.

                  • Alice
                    12 months ago

                    Yep. Me to. I tend to post non political stuff but I don’t think anyone is interested in that

          • NeuromancerM
            03 months ago

            It was only because you kept violating the rules. Only lefties think being a mod on lemmy is a powertrip. My power is in the real world, not here.

              13 months ago

              Oh I absolutely did in that instance, but both things could be true. My posts were getting deleted in a manner of several seconds, WAY too quickly for you to actually investigate the content of my posts.

              I’m not even sure I’d be allowed to keep any post up anymore regardless of political leaning considering how hasty you were to quiet down anything I provide. That is a textbook example of power tripping.

              I’m back and apologized to you because at the end of the day, you are free to run your communities (and make your echo chamber smaller and smaller) however you want. As long as you’re here, I’m game to do whatever I can to provide another perspective on things.

              • NeuromancerM
                13 months ago

                Oh I absolutely did in that instance, but both things could be true

                No I’m this case only one thing was true.

                I’m not even sure I’d be allowed to keep any post up anymore

                As long as it follows the rules I won’t remove it.

                , you are free to run your communities (and make your echo chamber smaller and smaller) however you want and within the rules of the instance. That is why certain words are banned. The larger instance overrules any rule we have.

                  3 months ago

                  We can go back and forth over what really happened but it’s a losing exercise. I admit to breaking the rules, but assert whether you agree or not you were power tripping while doing so. I’ve seen you do that elsewhere in this community.


                  Wait which words are banned? Just so I know how to not get banned again. I had no idea there were trigger words.

                  • NeuromancerM
                    13 months ago

                    Wait which words are banned?

                    We delete posts containing slurs such as N*, R*, etc.

                    The admins have their own criteria based on r1 and r2.

    • NeuromancerM
      -63 months ago

      Nobody’s feeling got hurt. Read rule 2. He violated it intentionally after warnings.