I am your average 37-year-old woman. I game, I read, and I have cats. A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon Azariah Kyras’ glorious speech about the Blood God Khorne, and I started quoting him at least once every day when my boyfriend and I were talking about random everyday things. He suggested I look into the Warhammer Universe.

My God!

It started out with some lore videos about the Chaos Gods and The Emperor, and down the rabbit hole I went. When I found out they are doing a series with Mr. Handsome Henry, I knew I had to go deeper. It’s been three days of almost no sleep, and I’ve finished the first two books in The Horus Heresy saga. They have no business being as good as they are.

If Warhammer has the power to infect even the most basic, whitest woman of all time, we are all in trouble!"

Pray for me


PS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbmDLVFAaec

  • Welcome to the club!

    40k is what got me back into reading after a decade and a half of reading nothing. If you’re looking for recomendations of books outside the horus heresy, the nightlords trilogy and the Ciaphas Cain books are all excellent!