WASHINGTON, D.C. – After narrowly backing Israel’s military action in Gaza in November, Americans now oppose the campaign by a solid margin. Fifty-five percent currently disapprove of Israel’s actions, while 36% approve.

  • @frostmore@lemmy.world
    06 months ago

    co-existence is accepting the facts that 1 entity has a right to exist just as any other and you do not arbitrary decide how far back in time to determine who stole whose home.

    next, israeli settlers illegally settling in land that does not belong to them is a problem that needs solving,this has been made very clear,your magnification of the violence doesn’t negate that fact other than pushing your bias narratives.

    hamas never stopped declaring their aim to wipe israel from existence, despite their renewed charter.the fancy words they used serve nothing but to hoodwink the less sophisticated.

    if your logic prevails,then prc,timor leste,previous soviet states or even america has no right to exist because they stole,occupy and settled in lands that does not belong to them and the original inhabitants should wage terror attacks on the populance because,you know,these people are stealing lands of their great grand father or however far back in time these terrorists chose.

    it’s sad that you have, on multiple times, try to push your bias agenda and narratives and each time you are only serving to highlight your bias.

    • @Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
      06 months ago

      Israel has never had intentions of coexistence, it was founded on Settler Colonialism… You’re white washing ethnic cleansing.

      • @frostmore@lemmy.world
        06 months ago

        hamas never had any intentions of co-existence only genocide and terrorism.

        you are and have been justifying hamas terrorism and crimes as the aspirations of palestinians,disgusting to say the least.

        • @Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          You’re literally wrong. Has Hamas done war crimes? Yes. You don’t need to make things up to not like Hamas. I’ve provided so many resources to learn the history. Instead you’d rather justify settler Colonialism, ethnic cleansing, and collective punishment. When you do that, it’s clear you don’t see Palestinians as human beings.

          • @frostmore@lemmy.world
            06 months ago

            i could say the same to you.

            unlike you,i do not solely focus on one side’s atrocities to paint the other like some kind of victim.

            you are literally a hamas apologist using palestinians to push your agenda for genocide.your resources aren’t exactly neutral to begin with.