• @DogPeePoo@lemm.ee
    1183 months ago

    The comments by US House representative Tim Walberg of Michigan drew condemnation from progressive political quarters, including from some who expressed disbelief that a former Christian pastor would advocate for what they called the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

    WWJD: Love thy brother. Nuke thy neighbor.

    Christians are fucked in the head.

    • End-of-world evangelicals want the world to end. Global pollution, climate change, human rights, et al. don’t matter because rapture or some crazy shit like that.

      • @Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
        3 months ago

        Imagine being a genocidal monster and genuinely thinking God is going to come and save you for being good. If he came, he would take one look at you, charge up 2 million volts of electricity from the sky at your location and then smite the ever-loving shit out of you into fine ash.