WASHINGTON, D.C. – After narrowly backing Israel’s military action in Gaza in November, Americans now oppose the campaign by a solid margin. Fifty-five percent currently disapprove of Israel’s actions, while 36% approve.

  • @frostmore@lemmy.world
    -16 months ago

    it would be naive to think hamas can end apartheid alone but hamas can stop giving israel any form of justification by surrendering,we can start there.

    your links this far has been an attempt to justify hamas,obfuscate hamas with palestinians and painting hamas as a victim of circumstance. most articles provided has been down playing hamas terrorism and somehow israel is fully responsible for the plight in gaza and west bank today,never mind the fact that hamas played a central role in it as well.

    you seem to think Israel should observe the laws and regulations imposed by the international community but you forget a terrorist group like hamas actually spit on those laws and regulations,acting with impunity because they have god on their side.

    lest you forget,in israel,people accused of war crimes can be charged under the laws of israel,hamas on the other hand have no such laws.

    believe what you want of hamas,i for 1 support the full eradication of terrorists,they do not deserve any reprieve.

    • @Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      You must also think Nelson Mandala and all the armed militant groups that developed out of Apartheid South Africa Should have been eradicated. After all, they were considered terrorists and did acts of terrorism. It’s almost like understanding the underlying conditions that make people resort to violence is important if you want violence to end.

      Yes, Israel does have military control of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. As they’ve had since 1967.

      1967 war: Haaretz, Forward

      Israel Martial Law and Defence (Emergency) Regulations practiced in the occupied territories after 1967

      Amnesty Report, HRW Report, AIDA Report, OCHA Report on the details of the daily violence Israel uses to enforce the apartheid.

      Gaza Blockade is still Occupation

      Forced Displacement of Palestinians continue to this day: 972mag, MEE, Haaretz

      Palestinians denied civil rights including Military Court

      Palestinian Prisoners in Israel including Child abuse

      Human Shields including Children (2013 Report)

      Settler Violence Torture and Abuse in Interrogations No freedom of movement Water control

      • @frostmore@lemmy.world
        -16 months ago

        still trying the white wash hamas i see.

        understanding the reason for the violence does not equate to justification. that is what you’re trying to do since the beginning, conflating the reason for the violence as justification.

        no amount of justification is enough for hamas to commit terrorist attacks on innocent people. you can try to villify israel as much as you like,i’d prefer the eradication of hamas and we can discuss who in israel should be held accountable for the war crimes.

        • @Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
          06 months ago

          understanding the reason for the violence does not equate to justification.

          That’s my point. Yet you justify Israel’s actions.

          that is what you’re trying to do since the beginning, conflating the reason for the violence as justification.

          No, my point is that if you understand the increasing violence of Occupation/Apartheid are responsible for the increase in violence of armed resistance, then it’s clear that an end to the occupation is the only way to end the violence.

          no amount of justification is enough for hamas to commit terrorist attacks on innocent people. you can try to villify israel as much as you like,i’d prefer the eradication of hamas and we can discuss who in israel should be held accountable for the war crimes.

          Israel has committed magnitudes more violence on innocent palestinians, both before and after Hamas. There is no metric of violence that Israel hasn’t committed far more of.

          • @frostmore@lemmy.world
            06 months ago

            Israel’s actions has been a response to hamas’ for Oct 7th attack. Justified??? i am sure it was and still is,given what they (hamas) did. there is no argument on this on this specificity. were there instances where israel isn’t justified?? petty sure there is. it’s not a blanket statement to say israel is completely justified in everything they do.

            you mentioned the continued apartheid/occupation as the source of the violence, so end the occupation and accept the 2 state solution, not that hard for hamas.

            this isn’t a competition to see who has committed more crimes against whose population, they are crimes and those responsible should be held accountable.

            you trying to villify israel and downplaying/apologising for hamas atrocities. i am not sure why you chose to be a hamas apologist,it certainly isn’t helping the palestinians in anyway.

            • @Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
              06 months ago

              The concept of Transfer in Zionist thought and the displacement of Palestinians since the 1920s culminated into a full fledged ethnic cleansing campaign in 1948

              The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948

              Transfer Committee and the JNF led to Forced Displacement of 100,000 Palestinians throughout the mandate.

              Plan Dalet

              Details of Plan C (May 1946) and Plan D (March 1948)

              Partition and later the Two-State Solution have been wielded by Israel to covet and annex as much Palestinian land as possible with the least amount of Palestinians.

              Before 1948, Palestinian Leadership repeatedly advocated for a Unitary Binational State for decades.

              The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948

              Palestinian Arab Congress advocating for Unified State 1928

              Arab Higher Committee advocating for Unified State 1937

              Arab League advocating for Unified Binational State 1948

              After the founding of Israel, the Two-State Solutions were utilized to further annex the Palestinian Occupied Territories and enact military control over Palestinians while denying them human and civil rights. Despite this, both Fatah and later Hamas have accepted a Two-State Solution on the 1967 borders, with the two most important factors being the Right of Return of Palestinian refugees and an end to the permanent occupation.

              Oslo Accords MEE, NYT, Haaretz, AJ

              History of peace process

              • @frostmore@lemmy.world
                06 months ago

                still trying to villify israel i see.

                fatah seems to be doing ok after accepting the fact that israel and palestine can co-exist. hamas o. the other hand wanted 1967 borders whithout recognizing israel and wants jurusalem as its capital. 1967 borders, israel can compromise, if land swaps and national security are addressed. Jurusalem as Palestine’s capital per hamas?? yes no fucking way and hamas knows that for sure.

                if israel wanted more lands,they will never have left gaza nor west bank. the settlers problem has been a thorny issues amongst the radical jewish population,its hasn’t gone unnoticed and we all know that needs addressing.

                dude you trying so hard to villify israel isn’t helping your credibility and you are beginning to sound like those hamas propagandist/apologist on overdrive.

                • @Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
                  06 months ago

                  So coexistence to you is occupation? You hand-wave away all the overwhelming evidence of Apartheid and Settler Colonialism.

                  The state allows settlers to use land violently taken from Palestinians. Dozens of outposts and “farms” – settlements for all intents and purposes, which were built without authorization by the government and without plans that enable construction in them – receive support from Israeli authorities and remain standing. Israel has ordered the military to defend the outposts or paid for their security, as well as paved roads and laid down water and electricity infrastructure for most of them. It has provided support through various government ministries, the Settlement Division of the World Zionist Organization and regional councils in the West Bank. It has also subsidized financial endeavors in the outposts, including agricultural facilities, provided support for new farmers and for shepherding, allocated water and legally defended outposts in petitions for their removal.

                  Violence committed by settlers against Palestinians has been documented since the very early days of the occupation. It is recorded in countless government documents and dossiers, in thousands of testimonies from Palestinians and soldiers, in books, in reports by Palestinian, Israeli and international human rights organizations – including B’Tselem, from its inception – and in thousands of media stories. Yet this ongoing, comprehensive documentation has had almost no effect on settler violence against Palestinians, which has long since become part and parcel of life under the occupation in the West Bank.

                  Settler Violence is State Violence and has been intentional.

                  • @frostmore@lemmy.world
                    06 months ago

                    co-existence is accepting the facts that 1 entity has a right to exist just as any other and you do not arbitrary decide how far back in time to determine who stole whose home.

                    next, israeli settlers illegally settling in land that does not belong to them is a problem that needs solving,this has been made very clear,your magnification of the violence doesn’t negate that fact other than pushing your bias narratives.

                    hamas never stopped declaring their aim to wipe israel from existence, despite their renewed charter.the fancy words they used serve nothing but to hoodwink the less sophisticated.

                    if your logic prevails,then prc,timor leste,previous soviet states or even america has no right to exist because they stole,occupy and settled in lands that does not belong to them and the original inhabitants should wage terror attacks on the populance because,you know,these people are stealing lands of their great grand father or however far back in time these terrorists chose.

                    it’s sad that you have, on multiple times, try to push your bias agenda and narratives and each time you are only serving to highlight your bias.