Does anyone have experience using GNU Stow for managing dot files? I’m especially interested in using it to build a git repo to include my .vimrc file so I can sync it between hosts.

I know I’ve seen other methods, such as making your home directory a bare git repo, so you can check-in your config files without moving them. There is also the chezmoi golang project.

How do others sync .vimrc between hosts?

  • Elw
    2 years ago

    This is really interesting! I’ve kept a selective repo of my config files for many years and maintained a bootstrap script inside of it that sounds similar, but distinctly different in a couple of ways, from this approach.

    My approach has always been to have the actual files in a git directory in my home directory and the bootstrap script builds the symlinks around my system but the actual files still live in the directory. It never occurred to me to make my whole home directory a fit repo, though, and manage the files selectively that way…. Might try that out on this Arch system I just got up and running since the home dir isn’t too big yet