unfortunately, nothing is better to advance military technology than a war.
unfortunately, nothing is better to advance military technology than a war.
the sister screwer strikes again.
a classic case of “when education is not liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor” (paulo freire).
when i’m angry and pessimistic, i’m posadist concerning the nukes’ part. when i’m happy and optimistic, i’m posadist concerning the aliens’ part.
another day, another dem in lemmy truly believing that his country is an immaculate, flawless crystal, that just happens to be tarnished by the evil chinese and russian… gop ended in power regardless of its own bigoted, prejudicious (white) people, bloodthirsty elites and a political-economical system that rewards cronies. blame just those inhumane, eastern, mongolic-looking people from beyond the sea.
oh, these third world dictatorships with no consideration for individual freedoms and human rights…
no, wait.
of course. let’s have some respect for the american minorities while minorities abroad can be tortured in some basement in a third world shithole while being watched over by a cia agent.
and i get to be called privileged by some oversized gringo. oh the imperialist exceptionalism.
should i mention that under one of them many coups around the world were orchestrated? no, dems are no better than gops.
you could be a kleptomaniac. i’d check out a psychiatrist if i were you.
i’m hoping that the cultural differences and historical animosities between the anglosphere hegemony and latin america are enough to stymie the same conservative influence that has befallen most of europe & north america so far;
Straight cisgender non(?)-neurotypical from Latin America here. I’m afraid to tell you that the conservative influence is already here, since our elites (which matters in our political and economical system) are nothing but american puppets. Not so long ago Bolsonaro was president here in Brazil and I wouldn’t count that we’re free from him or his thugs. Argentina has already fallen. Chile might be the next on queue.
Where I would go in your situation: 1) Mexico (though I wouldn’t be surprised if the irritating orange militarly intervened in the country); 2) Uruguay (safe and stable, but no one knows about tomorrow); 3) Costa Rica and Panama (though Panama might be the target of an invasion too); 4) Colombia (might be at risk in the near future); 5) Cuba (yes, Cuba). Brazil and Chile are OK but at risk. I’d avoid the rest.
However, the thing to consider is that now fascism is internationalist. We’ve come to a historical moment where these guys are no longer country-bound and are able to cooperate in order to grab power in their hands, regardless of which side of the border they are. Sure, they will try to kill each other, but not after they get rid of the undesirable. Moving to a safer country will give you about 5 years of peace, and then what? If that country falls to a fascist crony, where will you go? Will it even be do-able living a life where you’ll have to move abroad at the slightest risk?
Look, political activism, most specifically that of the radical nature (I’m not even talking about revolutionary action) is something that, of course, is not for everyone. People have to have the health to take it every single day. As for myself, the option for me for sure wasn’t moving. Political action is all that is left (pun intended). But that’s me.
That’s just some food for thought I’m giving you and OP, though. Whichever you people choose, try to do it with peace of mind as your ultimate goal.
the heck is causing this? highly competitive society? bullying running free on japanese schools? lack of support by school personnel and overworked parents?
According to the IDF, Avitan, who approached Israeli troops and did not respond to calls to stop, was unarmed and dressed in civilian clothing, making it unclear why he was shot.
Pretty sure he was killed because he was in plainclothes and unarmed.
she wouldn’t have the need for a self driving car if worked less hours, lived closed to her job and used public transportation to go to work (in case her job couldn’t be home office’d).
the thing is that this is essentially a capitalist and american problem.
watching the birth of my kids were the best moments in my life, the worst was (so far) when i divorced. i realized that there’s life after the divorce, but i’m their parent forever. the best moments so far outweights the worst by a large margin.
this. i mean, the session logs for the prompt are kept at least for your user, right?
so essentially the f-35 is a big winged alfa romeo: the best fighter jet in the world, when it works.
the little accelerationist in me is jumping and screaming “yay”, but i’ll keep him on a leash.
it’s not even a good deal. i wouldn’t quit for less than a year of payment.
“none of these words are in the book of mormon!”