hi, any links to hegemony, are you mostly working off of gramsci? ty in advance
hi, any links to hegemony, are you mostly working off of gramsci? ty in advance
yeah, im left-handed idk if that makes a difference
what you said reminds me of what Stalin said in an interview with Emil Ludwig, link here
Stalin: You are being modest.
Ludwig: No, that is really so, and for that very reason I shall put questions that may seem strange to you. Today, here in the Kremlin, I saw some relics of Peter the Great and the first question I should like to ask you is this: Do you think a parallel can be drawn between yourself and Peter the Great? Do you consider yourself a continuer of the work of Peter the Great?
Stalin: In no way whatever. Historical parallels are always risky. There is no sense in this one.
Ludwig: But after all, Peter the Great did a great deal to develop his country, to bring western culture to Russia.
Stalin: Yes, of course, Peter the Great did much to elevate the landlord class and develop the nascent merchant class. He did very much indeed to create and consolidate the national state of the landlords and merchants. It must be said also that the elevation of the landlord class, the assistance to the nascent merchant class and the consolidation of the national state of these classes took place at the cost of the peasant serfs, who were bled white.
As for myself, I am just a pupil of Lenin’s, and the aim of my life is to be a worthy pupil of his. The task to which I have devoted my life is the elevation of a different class — the working class. That task is not the consolidation of some “national” state, but of a socialist state, and that means an international state; and everything that strengthens that state helps to strengthen the entire international working class. If every step I take in my endeavor to elevate the working class and strengthen the socialist state of this class were not directed towards strengthening and improving the position of the working class, I should consider my life purposeless.
So, you see, your parallel does not fit.
As regards Lenin and Peter the Great, the latter was but a drop in the sea, whereas Lenin was a whole ocean.
yo you hear about MEGA? link here.
I read kohei saito read some journals or writing of marx before they were released, and he mentioned marx near the end of his life was studying the natural sciences and specifically ecology.
makes sense, his ideas fall into place with it quite well, and we know he sent darwin a copy of kapital vol 1 and a letter saying his work was incredible.
bringing in insights or a synthesis from the natural sciences to ml theory or vice-versa
honestly though if I could author a piece on science for the people or another marxist and natural science publication I’d die satisfied
Love the thinkpads that have the off-center touchpad
What is the joke or story of ‘I forgot’?
We are both atheist however I have to appear pious at times, I hope that it doesn’t get me into trouble with her parents who are rather anti-religious and who don’t believe that I am atheist
That photo of Maduro reminds me of when I was a kid and held marbles in my cheeks
Another interluder, you could also try Imperialism: A Study (1902) by Hobson who was a British economist and as far as I understand explains the same things as Lenin in his book on Imperialism.
Link to a copy
Now I’m confused too…
many people are saying it
i laughed out loud, never thought about the words hairdresser and barbershop before, thanks for the interesting thought!
happens to me when i need to use the washroom, i don’t know if i have better bladder control or something
here for representation
I think the long term commitment is there for everyone and it’s the only way to undeestand how focusing quarter to quarter by executives leads to this result.
Everyone is committed to profit.
Oh, what a god one, any other typographic jokes?
maybe only a few are eaten at a time and over time a tolerance builds up
Great piece, thanks for sharing