least russophobic finn
least russophobic finn
of course it isn’t. our whole cultural identity is built off anti-russian brainrot. still celebrating the time our glorious leader mannerheim, butcherer of the reds and close friend of mr. hitler, won the continuation war so hard we had to give the soviets a solid tenth of our territory and billions in reparations as a consolation price.
fuck this place, the wrong side won the civil war.
Reminds me of a time long ago when a girl at the bar did the same thing to me with her handbag. She flashed the logo and twirled it around a bit and put it over her shoulder and did a little pose. It was nice, she was clearly very excited about her handbag. Might just have been me being young and horny, but I interpreted the situation like she expected me to be really impressed and maybe, you know, make a move on such a classy young lady like herself. Then she leaned in a bit as if to tell a secret, and I was getting fuckin ready to go, and she whispered “it cost 1400€ :P”. It was like a flashbang went off in my mind, so all I managed to do was shout “1400 euros!!! what the fuck is wrong with you!!!”, and she didn’t like that. It was the first time that I can remember that I encountered that kind of luxury. 1400 was like almost twice of what I lived off in a month!
aaah, I used to play the heck out of this with my brother… Our favourite was to set all the bots to 5-star melee-only monkeys on one team vs. the two of us. And the entire soundtrack is filled to the god damn brim with bangers. The Scrapyard music particular goes fucking hard. Certainly a formative moment in the development of my musical taste.
What if it’s the “soap tastes like cilantro” gene? Either way I have it. You know, sometimes I just put dish soap on my bánh mì instead of coriander. Much cheaper in the long run.
Oh jeez, I’m the most annoying person in the entire universe about this. Everyone actually likes king gizz, some just haven’t listened to the right album yet.
Oh jesus christ, this should be good. We all remember how fun privatizing the electrical grid was, yeah?
These people if anyone are the most based alpha chads in the universe. God damn
Oh yes, it is indeed extremely god damn leaky, especially on the top floor where the bedrooms are. There no doors between any of the rooms either for some reason (previous owner not a fan of privacy???), so I think the draft goes right through the whole floor. The previous owner had a guy come over with a heat-sensing camera and identify the leakiest spots, so we’re gonna plug them up with some bullshit when we have time. We’re gonna have to redo the insulation there anyway at some point in the near future (some earlier owner has fucked up the insulation between the outer roof and the inner ceiling, it’s not ventilated properly so the condensation water could/will soak into the insulation), so we’ll deal with it “properly” then.
So I moved into my new house a while back. It’s relatively old as fuck and built with wood. And jesus it gets cold in here. Like, I knew it’d be colder on average than a concrete house, but god damn. It was just below freezing outside yesterday, and the inside temp dropped to like 14°C in one of the rooms. Tossed a few logs on the fire (extremely cozy, an impeccable vibe) and turned on a space heater in the bedroom, so it was alright by bedtime. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to use the space heaters at all before we get an AC heating thing machine installed, but the process is taking forever. Once we get that installed I’m gonna make a bunch of temperature/humidity sensors with whatever microcontroller is the cheapest and place them around the house and make a bunch of scripts to adjust the temperature automagically. It’s gonna be sick. It’s a lot of effort compared to living in an apartment building, but one million percent worth it to never have to deal with landlords again.
Okay I never thought I would say this, but this might be enough decades for one week. I have stuff to do, you know
sriracha on oatmeal sriracha in coffee sriracha on ice cream
Yeah weed can get really scary if you fuck around too much and aren’t prepared for it. I had way too many edibles one time (a good old “these edibles ain’t shit” moment), and it was pretty traumatic. I wasn’t sure I was back in my own reality for a few days after. Honestly kind of funny in hindsight now that I’m more comfortable with wacky states of mind, but very scary in the moment.
jesus christ it was right in front of us this entire time
Yeah, it’s was a thing in finland as well. idk what duraseal is, but I assume it’s that self-adhesive plastic wrap stuff (we called it contact plastic or something?). We could only use transparent wrap though, no fun allowed. Still, it was an important ritual I remember. New school year, 15 new books, let’s fucking go!! I was always really bad at it though, so my books would have creased wraps with tons of air bubbles. I thought it was really satisfying, so I’d (poorly) go home wrap my own books just for fun as well.
I went to the Lenin museum in Tampere. They’re gonna close it in a couple of months because of anti-russian brainworms (extremely common finland L), so I had to check it out before then. It is supposedly the place where Lenin and Stalin first officially met.
It was a bit underwhelming tbh? Doesn’t contain anything a level 99 communist like myself wouldn’t already know, but I can’t exactly fault them for that. What I can and will fault them for though is the completely unnecessary additions of “Lenin and Stalin and USSR bad, btw” that they just had to insert into every exhibit that dared to be the tiniest bit positive about them. There was also nothing about WHY Lenin was as revolutionary as he was, more like “he just kind of was revolutionary and decided to do that”. Almost nothing about the terrors of the Whites in the civil war. An exhibit showing how socialism == no food. An entire wall dedicated to Yeltsin, Putin and Ukraine?? The worst part was when the guide presented a bigass painting of Lenin Proclaiming Soviet Power, and said “in this propaganda piece we can see that Lenin is painted as very tall and imposing, as if he is above the common folks below, whereas in real life he was actually a rather short man ”. I left a feedback form pointing this out, for whatever that’s worth now since they’re closing it down.
Overall it wasn’t completely horrible I guess. Not as explicitly negative as I expected from this bullshit hell-country, but still disappointing. I get the vibes that they wanted the museum to be more positive of Lenin, but due to the “geopolitical climate” someone higher up told them to tone it down.
They have it for live streamed video chats as well. It does it meagre best to summarize what chat is popping off about at the moment. I don’t fucking get it, you can just read the chat? It’s right there? Who asked for this?
I can’t believe the democrats did it again, that is fucking hilarious.