They thought she’d be a sitting duck because she completely whiffed her interview on The View.
They thought she’d be a sitting duck because she completely whiffed her interview on The View.
It’s also really good for making sure that whoever wins the most acres of land gets a huge electoral boost. Because that’s important.
I very much doubt that. Their metric is fundraising, and the money/rich people is/are on the right.
As long as we can keep the port of New Orleans and navigation rights to the Mississippi River, they can go disappear right up their misinformed idea of God’s asshole. “The South” is a luxury we can no longer afford.
State senator, not real senator.
Electric trucks are lugging around their batteries moreso than their payload.
Electrolysis works, though as with everything, nuclear is the best option.
H2 is way better for trucks and planes than batteries, because even with the reinforced tanks it doesn’t weigh much, and the refueling does not take long.
I agree that battery electric is probably the way to go for consumer passenger vehicles, though.
/owns a hydrogen car
I have a hydrogen car. H2 explodes more readily than it burns. The containment tanks are designed to mitigate this, and they are routinely tested with high-caliber rifles to make sure. There are YouTube videos of the tests.
Your employer is likely paying another $600/mo for you as well, and singles/couples working for the company are actually subsiding your threesome.
The insurer-first system a stupid scheme that shouldn’t exist in the first place.
This comment confuses me
Your neighbors appear either to be absolute morons, or work in a foreign click factory.
Yes, but that’s not possible.
My point is that you can’t conceal his obvious senility by calling it a stutter. Yes, Trump needs to be prevented from gaining power, and were Biden to win a second term, the next four years would be better for the universe than if Trump were to win.
Regardless, it is looking exceedingly unlikely that Biden will be President on Jan 21, 2025, so he should step aside for someone who has a realistic prayer of actually being President on January 21.
I grew up with a stutter. I still have it if I don’t watch the pace of my speech. My uncle is the same way, but a more severe case. This is not someone with a stutter:
What it is, is someone who is not dealing with senility.
Los Angeles used to send the drunks to a labor camp in the valley for the duration of the Olympics.
Here’s Biden in the 2008 debate against Sarah Palin. https://youtu.be/4Hs7CptPWI4?si=ygyXTtMIiNwfAPYa
There’s no “stutter.” He’s nailing his talking points, stringing them together fluently. The Biden of today is unrecognizable.
At the same time, it’s not like Kamala is going to beat Trump. And they won’t let Bernie get the nomination.
Republicans voters are much better at voting for their Handmaiden’s Tale candidates. Meanwhile, Democrats are told that anyone to the left of Eisenhower “isn’t electable” so we just have to swallow right-wingers like Biden and Hillary.
EDIT: I’m saying that Republican voters don’t care who’s “electable,” so they get what they want. We should try the same.
Lol, wrong. Delaware’s surpassed by like 6 other states. Wyoming is the most disproportionally represented per voter.