Unfortunately people are just showing up to the protest but they aren’t fighting the creep of right wing extremist rhetorics into centrist parties and mainstream media.
Unfortunately people are just showing up to the protest but they aren’t fighting the creep of right wing extremist rhetorics into centrist parties and mainstream media.
I wanted to say I wish I knew the right abbreviation to answer but actually I’m happy I don’t.
Ah I didn’t even notice. Good on them
Thank you for marking your “sandwich” NSFW
I considered reporting this
There is !casualconversation@lemmy.world and then there’s also Leninism
There was a vibe to it before tumblr banned all the porn. Lots of actual real stuff that was made just because people wanted to without any intention to monetize. Just people having fun. But I’m not sure that exists anymore. I don’t think it was really efficient or anything but I guess if you’re just casually posting some anonymous nudes and share them with a bunch of people it would feel weird to upload that on pornhub.
Take my award kind sir
Since you’re talking to a complete stranger on an anonymous platform it makes no sense to make any assumptions like that.
English is not my first language, in case that was an offensive formulation I apologize.
But your response definitely makes me question your intentions.
There are shittons of rape & murder fantasy communities with secretly taken & stolen pictures on porn & snuff websites, on the snuff websites there’s unfortunately also real stuff.
This is something I really didn’t want to know. I wouldn’t want to walk in the shoes of my gf honestly just judging from the amount of harassment she faces in liberal, progressive western cities by men of all age & skin color (need to say this nowadays unfortunately). Add to that being physically inferior that creates a sense of being constantly threatened. Also, they are targeted specifically because they are women and femicide is a real, bad issue.
Not disagreeing that anyone could be affected, just saying I can easily walk at night because no one would target me specifically for being a man.
We’re lighting some candles and then we are proud of ourselves. Even France which is the stereotypical riot country is under the tight grip of neoliberalism and for what feels like decades on the brink of having the Nazi Lepen take over.
There’s not as much of that protest culture as it seems.
The question was
Show me a Muslim country which has not been invaded, colonized and destroyed by Liberals first.
And literally the first two countries already have been invaded, colonized and destroyed by liberals. And let’s move on, Bangladesh, Egypt, Eritrea, Marocco, Libya, Libanon, Palestine, Iraq, Tunisia, Pakistan, Mauretania, Mali, all former colonies, brutally ransacked, exploited, people enslaved, the very core of each of their societies absolutely destroyed. Make the list longer and the list of ex-colonies gets longer. Ah and then except of course the already mentioned Palestine, which is still an apartheid colony where the liberal west is committing genocide.
You talk about queer rights but you don’t give a single fuck about the fates of the hundreds of millions, if not billions that have been brutalized in the most horrifying ways by the “civilized west“.
Please do us a favor and GTFO with your phony concern for human rights. You just want to shit on brown people. I honestly feel sorry for you, you must be really unhappy carrying around so much hatred with you.
Talks about freedom of speech and then wants to defend the rights of Nazis to march, yeah right. Free speech is a funny thing these days.
Grew up like this in some godforsaken place where no one wanted to live somewhere in Europe and I’m still in therapy because of that. Had to realize that I grew up experiencing extreme verbal and physical violence. I personally grew up thinking that’s normal and everyone experiences it until I started therapy and realized how crazy the things were that I saw and experienced. When I met people of “my“ culture for the first time who just moved to my place I didn’t understand why they were so different than the people I grew up with (talking about the kids & teenagers here).
Shit just works as usual
OP that’s a killer list of books you’ve read. IMO you have a point. To all the people who say that you’d be alienated from watching old movies, that method acting is important and that special effects of the last 20 years are what makes it different, idk. It really depends on what you’re looking for.
Hitchcock movies or the stuff with Humphrey Bogart, Marlon Brando, even the super racist Italo Western movies, the very old Kubrick stuff, that’s all great cinema.
I’m as left wing as it gets but I also get very alienated by the “diversity” and “feminism“ modern Hollywood & Netflix cinema. It’s the same type of diversity and feminism that exists in corporate, where there is diversity in terms of ethnicity and sexuality, but only within class. It’s a fictional world to me the same way the old movies are, just done by a different bunch of people living in their own world.
There’s still some good cinema and good shows out there every now and then, but to think old movies can’t compete with modern TV & cinema just because they’re old is a very simplistic take.
AppleTV is smooth but as others pointed out you shouldn’t trust their claims that they’re private. They’re probably more private than e.g. Google out of the box, but not an actual privacy company.
Side note: in case you’re an Apple user and you weren’t aware of this, you can make it a bit better by obtaining your private key so that you have actual E2EE and you can add hardware keys for 2FA which makes it more secure. Of course this should be the bare minimum but it’s nice that they support these things out of the box.
Regarding metadata: https://support.apple.com/en-us/102651#:~:text=This metadata is always encrypted,Advanced Data Protection is enabled.
Maybe it’s worth checking if you’re okay with what kind of metadata they’re processing.
This is beside the fact that Palestinians don’t want to leave their homes.
Very elaborate way to say “but Hamas"…