Tiananmen Square, Georgia
Tiananmen Square, Georgia
8 was at least an attempt to try to make things better for home users and get away from win32 cruff.
Like or hate the exact approach they took, you have to admire the spirit.
10 and 11 has been Microsoft saying “fuck em. They won’t ever be happy steal everything you can while they’re still here.”
Potassium > pot-ass-e-yum
“TikTok is influencing you politically”
So you’ll shut down Fox News, right?
That’s fine. 1% per uberweird news cycle is the death of facebook.
Zuck invented the feed.
There’s always been a class war, what matters is if Labour is paying attention.
The Magi (of unknown number) who bring three listed gifts are in Matthew’s birth narrative, while the ahistorical census and “no room in the inn” are in Luke’s birth narrative.
They are basically completely separate stories.
In Matthew, Mary and Joseph live in Bethlehem.
Talk American to me any time.
Too many blue on blue incidents for any squadron commander to OK a gunpass in an A-10 ever again.
It’s a bombtruck for Day 3 operations against asymmetric foes.
Give us absolute control and we’ll give it back after we created paradise, pinky-swear!
I’d like to see one of these publications post recipes for CEO stew.
Cincinnati chili is beloved by Cincinnati, though…
FFS, his leak is probably in an extension.
Installing more extensions that might also leak is not a real solution, no matter what they do.
Japan also has a population in decline.
Seems like an important enough factor to mention.
Your Aunt should be paying enough taxes that owning a second property should be more or less unfeasible.
A fair system would have her seeking other retirement vehicles.
End-to-end encryption matters if your device isn’t actively trying to sabotage your privacy.
If you run Android, Google is guilty of that.
If you run Windows in a non-enterprise environment Microsoft is guilty of that.
If you run iOS or MacOS, Apple is (very likely) guilty of that.
AI is either a solution in search of a problem,
or it’s the next scheme designed to gobble up as much VC money as possible and boost NVIDIA stock value, now that the Cryptocurrency bubble has passed.