If he has any sense that overcomes his pride, he should be grateful that someone else is taking some flak for him.
If he has any sense that overcomes his pride, he should be grateful that someone else is taking some flak for him.
I’d be dumbfounded if that’s not a joke account.
Japanese: 手袋 = Tebukuro = Hand bag/sack
That’s what all your hard work is for.
Bless those subbers. I love those walls of text.
Typically only 1 story game (first playthrough) like Blasphemous or Outer Wilds. And then only roguelites or sandboxes on top of that like Factorio or Slay the Spire.
I haven’t seen anyone mention Rakuten. I see it occasionally on r/buildapcsales giving a sizable cashback (10-15%) on big ticket items like GPUs or monitors. I’ve used to some benefit, but I assume it’s the same shtick as honey.
To make the odds in your favor even worse, all your competitors have an existing fortune and ARE exploiting the workforce. Good luck 👍
And if it doesn’t move within an unknown amount of time.
I think it’s pretty likely that online LLMs keep user inputs for training of future versions/models. Though it probably gets filtered for obvious stuff like this.
Science compels us to explode the sun.
🎶 My shiny teeth and me. (Shiny teeth)(shiny teeth) 🎶
Great sculp.
Makes sense in theory, but I already call the house down the street bigyard.
Rock and Stone!
DRG is always there for me if I get tired of other games. I’m a Scout main because I like flying around like Titanfall. There’s a build that raises single shot weak spot damage to deadly levels. It’s a blast bunny-hopping around praetorians and killing them in 2 shots.
Or it’s a report/statement
Can-fish microwave [the] soup
Gotta do what they can to save their pets
Yep. And if I remember right, it’s called an Elmo. It just captures the desktop and outputs presumably to projector
Well, at least the king is committed to not increasing oppression. Seems half decent.