Is that meant as a detterent? Where could you even send them that doesn’t treat their prisoners more humanely than the US? Isreal?
Is that meant as a detterent? Where could you even send them that doesn’t treat their prisoners more humanely than the US? Isreal?
What a stupid nonsequiter from a completely new account. What bigoted shit did you get banned for that has your balls in a knot?
Hard tac and canned tuna
Sounds like a great way to get a prion disease
The trains did not run on time under the nazis. That line has always been fascist apolagia.
Who’s the president again?
Same. I need a coffee then a coffee shit before I consider anything solid.
Anyone else still listen to beep beep lettuce? Todd is real fuckin cooked these days huh? On the new episode he was downplaying climate change wrt the wildfires and speculating that Trump would give fort brag a shorter leash for some reason. He was always an eclectic contrarian but now he sounds like just fully reactionary.
It’s got that weird saturation to it but I think that’s just unusual lighting from the stained glass windows
So this violent stupid asshole has just been walking around free the whole time? You can get convinced to shoot up a random restaurant by 4chan and still be considered safe to be in public? But you shoot one health extortionist…
Are those macerated strawberries?
This game made me cry like 3 times. Absolutely brutal. Highly recommended.
And Sokolov is just your kindly grandpa figure now. Pay no attention to how in the first game he was aremoved who kidnapped homeless people and deliberately infected them with plauge to experiment on them. Corvo just didn’t tell his daughter about that apparently, and now he’s a family man.
Sounds like something a judge would do, pigs in robes that they are.
If zelensky or netenyahu said exactly those same words they would clap like fucking seals.
The whole world would be far better off if we made honest men of them.
You seem cool to me
99% death is the current plan of the one percent. MAD worked. To deter them we should comit now to total human extinction in that event. Jeff Bezos does not get kill us all and live out his days in a new Zeeland bunker.
Kidnapped. Not transfered
Rich people don’t let your breeding kink inform your politics challenge. Difficulty: impossible.