:) me too, still using google as search engine, but behind startpage
:) me too, still using google as search engine, but behind startpage
Yes, google pay for being the default search engine, but that doesn’t mean they collect your information. And even better, there are also Firefox forks security oriented.
considering the big monopoly of chrome based is not really free, it’s paid by google or microsoft mining user data
90% close it, bye 10% try archive.is if it doesn’t work, bye
One Hundred Years of Solitude available in Netflix https://m.filmaffinity.com/en/film463641.html
and on the hands of the NSA
It can also be said: security by obscurity is the best scenario for the NSA
Conspiracy: Why the Rational Believe the Irrational by Michael Shermer
German language is missing Austria
I’m wondering if this is a real threat, or a conspiracy theory. If it’s a real threat, wouldn’t be the same with the NSA?
#Firefox because of Multi-Account Containers
Tears in heaven from Eric Clapton. I always liked this song, and didn’t have a special connotation. But after learning its backstory, now I just feel sadness when I hear it. :-(
with compound interest that will be soon a googol of dollars :-)
I remember when I saw this movie, I couldn’t stop thinking how an “advanced” civilization that cannot cope with water decides to land in a planet that is 71% water. What were they thinking? A simple rain will solve the problem. Biggest loophole ever :-)
Another thing I learned from Australia is to use www.airbnb.com.au to check prices. If I got it correct in Australia is forbidden to have hidden charges, so, what you see is what you pay.
I’m also a switcher from ovh to hetzner. Good service, good support, fast machines, the administration website is very good (ovh was slow and ugly), snapshots and backups are cheap and directly available (AFAIR ovh snapshots required a monthly fee). Hetzner is Germany based, good for GDPR, and now they have data centers in USA too.
The 7 habits of highly effective people. Stephen R. Covey
I like so much this book, it teaches so many things, one of those that I preach more is the 4 quadrant matrix for effective time management: An enlightening tool for people that live their lives solving crisis after crisis.
That makes sense, if there is an organism that is a very good predator, and the chances to breed a second time are too low, then if the organism doesn’t die it will be consuming the resources of those who can breed. Natural selection must prioritize having descendents over long living, because not having descendents is extinction.