I went down the lazy road with OSMC (Kodi) and their Vero 4k+ device to support their great work. Still running strong after 6 years.
I went down the lazy road with OSMC (Kodi) and their Vero 4k+ device to support their great work. Still running strong after 6 years.
Have a look at glances. It seems quite ok.
CoreDNS in Docker to mix things up here a little.
Zulip hit’s the sweet spot for me, as it’s pretty straight forward to use and not too many bangs and whistle’s.
Alternatively I’m also very happy with signal for communicating with other ones where Idon’t have to vother about user management too much.
Not FOSS anymore. More like open core these days.
You could pay them for their support. I know it sounds a bit cheeky, but the zulip folks are really great and the product is not one of the open core solutions where they strip out features based on your plan, like some others do.
You could pay them for their support. I know it sounds a bit cheeky, but the zulip folks are really great and the product is not one of the open core solutions where they strip out features based on your plan, like some others do.
You could pay them for their support. I know it sounds a bit cheeky, but the zulip folks are really great and the product is not one of the open core solutions where they strip out features based on your plan, like some others do.
I did have a chat with one of the Element sales people a few months back and based on the conversation, it sounded that Dendrite is not anywhere on their roadmap to invest any resources.
Running Silverblue here and only one minor issue due to the wifi mac address changes and locking myself out of my network.
I also realised, that the upgrade didn’t like it when Ihade packages removed from the base which resulted in broken dependencies.
After resetting it upgrading went without any glitch.
other than for signing up and connecting the bridge once
According to the docs, you still need the whatsapp client on a physical or virtual device to call back home every 2 weeks or so, which is really annoying.
I also tried the route of using a disposable number for the activation code without any success.
+1 for Gandi, as they also have an API for management as well and support ACME DNS challenge for Let’s encrypt.
If I just would have known it earlier.
It was quite the surprise when boarding the return flight without having to show any baoarding passes.
It’s great to see more and more tools around restic.
DejaDup also recently added restic support.
Does not have all the features you listed, but I used Rustypaste in the past for sharing all kind of things and was quite happy with it.
Similar setup here with additional exporters like cadvisor for container metrics and other components.
OpenTelemetry is awesome, but still a very fast moving project. Expect therefore more frequent updates and changes compared to more older and established projects.
I think what you are looking for is
${DBX_CONTAINER_HOME_PREFIX} or container_home_prefix=…
See also
I updated the title, but will leave it, unless the majority wishes to remove it.
Nevertheless it’s a great reminder of what we might get ourselfs into with all these fancy IoT Devices we put into our homes.
Here also the link to the original paywalled article that started this avalanche.
Agree. On some other projects like Gaia-X they still seem to keep screwing things up.
Right. Thanks for catching it 🙇