What historic disease do y’all plan on catching in the new post-medicine era? Consumption looking hot this time of year!
What historic disease do y’all plan on catching in the new post-medicine era? Consumption looking hot this time of year!
Anybody remember the time some guy obsessed with circumcision took over the Silent Hill wiki?
Not even close. Vista wasn’t a straight-up middle finger to desktop users. Well, not by M$ standards anyway.
Is there an actual joke, or is this just engagement bait?
Thomas and the Magic Railroad. (2000) So bad it led to the franchise getting bought by SHiT HiT Entertainment. Less said about the show after that the better. Still, the OST is a bop, and Neil Crone was entertaining as hell to watch as Diesel 10.
You heard it here first, folks! Zucc says piracy is a-ok!
I deseperately need to know Doom Guy’s views on Romanticism.
He’s here to fuck and he’s not leaving.
I absolutely love OOP’s summary. One of the best posts in internet history.
Not even the Abyss is exempt from rule 34.
They have internet access, we’re so fucked.
Really? This what crosses a line for y’all?
What does this have to do with shitposting?
Automatic downvote.
The “Vegans are loud and annoying” crowd are more loud and annoying than actual vegans in my personal experience.
Is there some guerilla marketing campaign going on right now?