• 50 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Uiua

    A Christmas Day treat: a one-liner for you all to decipher!

    /+♭⊞(/×<8+)∩°□°⊟ (□≡≡/+⌕@#)@#(⊢⊢). (⍉⊜∘⊸≠@\n)¬±⦷"\n\n". 

  • Dart

    Quick and dirty, and slightly tipsy, code.

    Happy Christmas everyone!

    Thanks to Eric and the team at Advent of Code, to @Ategon@programming.dev and @CameronDev@programming.dev for giving us somewhere to share and discuss our solutions, and to everyone here for the friendly and supportive community.

    See you all next year!

    import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
    import 'package:more/more.dart';
    part1(List<String> lines) {
      var (w, h) = (lines.first.length, lines.indexOf(''));
      var (falsey: keys, truthy: locks) = (lines..insert(0, ''))
          .splitBefore((l) => l.isEmpty)
          .map((g) => [
                for (var x in 0.to(w)) [for (var y in 1.to(h + 1)) g[y][x]]
          .partition((g) => g[0][0] == '#');
      return keys
          .map((l) => locks.count((k) =>
              0.to(w).every((r) => (l[r] + k[r]).count((e) => e == '#') < 8)))

  • Dart

    Not very happy with this, as for part 2 the code just told me which four pairs of bits of the output needed investigation and I then tediously worked through how they differed from the correct adder implementation in the debugger.

    Spoilered as it is overly long and not very interesting.

    import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
    import 'package:more/more.dart';
    var nodes = <String, Node>{};
    class Node {
      String name = '';
      bool? state;
      var outputGates = <String>[];
    class Wire implements Node {
      String name;
      bool? state;
      var outputGates = <String>[];
      Wire(this.name, this.state);
      set() {
        for (var g in outputGates) {
          (nodes[g]! as Gate).set();
    class Gate implements Node {
      String input1, input2, type;
      String name;
      bool? state;
      var outputGates = <String>[];
      Gate(this.name, this.input1, this.input2, this.type);
      set() {
        var a = nodes[input1]!.state;
        var b = nodes[input2]!.state;
        if (a == null || b == null) return;
        state = switch (type) { 'AND' => a && b, 'OR' => a || b, _ => a ^ b };
        for (var g in outputGates) {
          (nodes[g]! as Gate).set();
    void setup(List<String> lines) {
      var parts = lines.splitAfter((e) => e.isEmpty);
      Map<String, Node> wires = Map.fromEntries(parts.first.skipLast(1).map((e) {
        var p = e.split(': ');
        return MapEntry(p[0], Wire(p[0], p[1] == '1'));
      nodes = Map.fromEntries(parts.last.map((e) {
        var p = e.split(' ');
        return MapEntry(p.last, Gate(p.last, p[0], p[2], p[1]));
      for (var g in nodes.values) {
        if (g is! Gate) continue;
    String line(String s) => nodes.keys
        .where((e) => e.startsWith(s))
        .map((e) => nodes[e]!.state! ? '1' : '0')
    part1(List<String> lines) {
      nodes.values.whereType<Wire>().forEach((e) => e.set());
      return int.parse(line('z'), radix: 2);
    part2(List<String> lines) {
      var bits = nodes.keys.count((e) => e.startsWith('x'));
      for (var b in 0.to(bits)) {
        nodes.values.whereType<Gate>().forEach((e) => e.state = null);
        nodes.values.whereType<Wire>().forEach(((e) => e.state = false));
        nodes['y${b.toString().padLeft(2, "0")}']!.state = true;
        nodes.values.whereType<Wire>().forEach((e) => e.set());
        var output = line('z');
        for (var i in 0.to(bits)) {
          if (output[bits - i] != ((i == b) ? "1" : "0")) print(i);
      // Add break point here and inspect and solve manually using `tree`.
      print('break here');
    tree(String s, {indent = ''}) {
      var here = nodes[s]!;
      if (here is Wire) {
        print('$indent${here.name} (wire)');
      here as Gate;
      print('$indent${here.name} ${here.type}');
      tree(here.input1, indent: indent + '| ');
      tree(here.input2, indent: indent + '| ');

  • Dart

    A little bit of googling, a little bit of Wikipedia, and so a little bit of


    the basic Bron-Kerbosch algorithm

    gave me the following which takes about 300ms.

    import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
    import 'package:more/more.dart';
    SetMultimap<String, String> getNodes(List<String> lines) {
      var nodes = SetMultimap<String, String>();
      for (var l in lines) {
        var p = l.split('-');
      return nodes;
    part1(List<String> lines) {
      var nodes = getNodes(lines);
      var ts = nodes.keys.where((e) => e.startsWith('t'));
      var ret = <String>[];
      for (var t in ts) {
            .where((e) => nodes[e.first].contains(e.last))
            .map((e) => (([t] + e)..sort()).toString()));
      return ret.toSet().length;
    part2(List<String> lines) {
      var nodes = getNodes(lines);
      Iterable<Set<String>> useBK1(
          Set<String> R, Set<String> P, Set<String> X) sync* {
        if (P.isEmpty && X.isEmpty) {
          yield R;
        for (var v in P.toSet()) {
          yield* useBK1(R.toSet()..add(v), P.intersection(nodes[v]),
      var vs = nodes.keys.toSet()..addAll(nodes.values.deepFlatten());
      var ret = useBK1({}, vs, {}).toList();
      var max = ret.map((e) => e.length).max;
      return ret.firstWhere((e) => e.length == max).sorted().join(',');

  • Uiua

    It’s been a while since I posted one of these, but I thought this would be straightforward in Uiua. Turns out that bitwise operations are a bit (haha) of a pain, so the Rng operation is very slow at 4sec for live data.

    I took this as an opportunity to play with the ⧈(stencil) operator which probably slowed things down too.

    Data ← 1_2_3_2024
    Xor  ← °⋯◿20+∩⋯ # Bitwise xor of two numbers.
    Rng  ← ⊙◌◿,Xor×2048.◿,Xor⌊÷32.◿,Xor×64.⊙16777216
    Runs ← ⍉(⇌[⍥(Rng.)])2000 Data # Should be constant?
    Firsts ← (
      ⊟⊂0⧈₂/-.◿10 ↘¯1         # Build run, gen pair diffs
      ⊢⧈(⊟⊙⊣/(+×40+20)°⊟) 2_4 # Convert 4-diff into key, collect.
      ⊕⊢⊛⊙⍉⊙◌°⊟.⍉             # Only keep first of each key. # ⍜(map°⊟⍉⇌|∘) failed. 
    &p /+≡⊣.Runs
    &p /↥⊕(/+)+1⊛°⊟⍉/◇⊂wait≡spawn(□Firsts) # Group by key, sum prices, return highest.

  • Dart

    Well, that was certainly a bit easier than yesterday…

    I know running a window over each full list of 2000 prices rather than looking for cycles etc means I’m doing a lot of unnecessary work, but it only takes a couple of seconds, so that’ll do.

    import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
    import 'package:more/more.dart';
    rng(int i) {
      i = ((i << 6) ^ i) % 16777216;
      i = ((i >> 5) ^ i) % 16777216;
      i = ((i << 11) ^ i) % 16777216;
      return i;
    Iterable<int> getPrices(int val, int rounds) {
      var ret = [val];
      for (var _ in 1.to(rounds)) {
        ret.add(val = rng(val));
      return ret.map((e) => e % 10);
    int run(int val, int rounds) => 0.to(rounds).fold(val, (s, t) => s = rng(s));
    part1(lines) => [for (var i in lines.map(int.parse)) run(i, 2000)].sum;
    part2(List<String> lines) {
      var market = <int, int>{}.withDefault(0);
      for (var seed in lines.map(int.parse)) {
        var seen = <int>{};
        for (var w in getPrices(seed, 2000).window(5)) {
          var key = // Can't use lists as keys, so make cheap hash.
              w.window(2).map((e) => e[1] - e[0]).reduce((s, t) => (s << 4) + t);
          if (seen.contains(key)) continue;
          market[key] += w.last;
      return market.values.max;

  • Dart

    The secret ingredient is a big cache.

    import 'dart:math';
    import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
    import 'package:more/more.dart';
    Map<String, Point<num>> mapper(List<String> list) => {
          for (var r in list.indexed())
            for (var c in r.value.split('').indexed())
              c.value: Point<num>(c.index, r.index)
    var dirMap = mapper(['_^A', '<v>']);
    var numMap = mapper(['789', '456', '123', '_0A']);
    var lenCache = <(String, int), int>{};
    int len(String code, int level, isNum) =>
        lenCache.putIfAbsent((code, level), () => _len(code, level, isNum));
    int n(p, isNum, level) => len(getMoves(p[0], p[1], isNum), level - 1, false);
    int _len(String code, int level, isNum) => (level == 0)
        ? code.length
        : 'A$code'.split('').window(2).map((p) => n(p, isNum, level)).sum;
    String getMoves(String f, String t, bool isNum) {
      var map = isNum ? numMap : dirMap;
      var (from, to) = (map[f]!, map[t]!);
      var mv = to - from;
      var s = <String>{};
      var x = ''.padRight(mv.x.abs() as int, mv.x.sign == 1 ? '>' : '<');
      var y = ''.padRight(mv.y.abs() as int, mv.y.sign == 1 ? 'v' : '^');
      // avoid '_', dislike '<'
      if (Point(from.x, to.y) != map['_']!) s.add('$y${x}A');
      if (Point(to.x, from.y) != map['_']!) s.add('$x${y}A');
      return (s.length < 2 || mv.x > 0) ? s.first : s.last;
    int solve(String code, int level) =>
        len(code, level + 1, true) * int.parse(code.skipLast(1));
    part1(List<String> lines) => lines.map((e) => solve(e, 2)).sum;
    part2(List<String> lines) => lines.map((e) => solve(e, 25)).sum;

  • Dart

    Simple path-finding + brute force. O(n*sqrt-n) I think but only takes ~200 milliseconds so that’ll do for today. Time to walk the dog!

    After being so pleased to have written my own path-finding algorithm the other day, I discovered that my regular more library already includes one. D’oh.

    (edit: shaved some milliseconds off)

    import 'dart:math';
    import 'package:more/more.dart';
    List<Point<num>> d4 = [Point(1, 0), Point(-1, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(0, -1)];
    List<Point<num>> findPath(List<String> lines) {
      var maze = {
        for (var r in lines.indexed())
          for (var c in r.value.split('').indexed().where((e) => e.value != '#'))
            Point<num>(c.index, r.index): c.value
      var path = AStarSearchIterable<Point>(
          startVertices: [maze.entries.firstWhere((e) => e.value == 'S').key],
          successorsOf: (p) => d4.map((e) => (e + p)).where((n) => maze[n] != '#'),
          costEstimate: (p) => 1,
          targetPredicate: (p) => maze[p] == 'E').first.vertices;
      return path;
    num dist(Point p1, Point p2) => (p1.x - p2.x).abs() + (p1.y - p2.y).abs();
    solve(List<String> lines, int cheat, int target) {
      List<Point<num>> path = findPath(lines);
      var cheats = 0;
      for (int s = 0; s < path.length - cheat; s++) {
        for (int e = s + cheat; e < path.length; e++) {
          var d = dist(path[e], path[s]);
          var diff = e - s - d;
          if (d <= cheat && diff >= target) cheats += 1;
      return cheats;