Wait, this happened like 4-6 months ago. Zlib is still alive and well, they just send out individualized links per user id when you search something.
Wait, this happened like 4-6 months ago. Zlib is still alive and well, they just send out individualized links per user id when you search something.
I’ve used both syncthing and recently resilio. My Syno NAS has their own app Synology drive. All three have worked great for me.
Between my Spotify weekly playlist and wdcb here in the Western burbs of Chicago I am a happy camper. I like miles Davis, Lonnie Smith, fusion jazz, and the like. Not a big fan of the big bands from days of yore.
Go to the bathroom, on the way somehow get the waiters attention, give them your card and tell them to be sure to charge it to yours.
Syno ds920+ w/2 16’s & 2 6’s. Use: home docs, pics, and a Plex server.
QNAP ts233 with 2 6tb for “off-site” backup sitting on my desk at work connected to the guest wifi backing up the home docs and pics from the syno.
Tell that to my 92 YO aunt in Austin, she’ll give you an ear full.
I remember following this case closely when it broke a dozen years ago. Crazy scary.
Without paywall: https://archive.is/QX1w7
Dammit it makes me want to buy a variable voltage DC power supply!
Same same
He committed suicide by shooting himself in the head 5x whilst jogging.
She got some meat hooks on her.
1893 worlds fair
Looks like a scary movie poster
Same. Then I looked for an alternative app that comes on on boot. Found one called Karma FW on fdroid
That’s what everybody said, but they were saying the CIA is taking similar routes to get whatever they want.
I brought this up at work and somebody said we sold our soul in the us with the Patriot act.
I use both bitwarden and chrome.
Sans ketchup