Actually the European Commission account is one of the most followed on the Fediverse.
At least some european institutions use european technology
account feddit di @lgsp@urbanists.social
Actually the European Commission account is one of the most followed on the Fediverse.
At least some european institutions use european technology
This thing can be true an it may as well be false.
An anonymous guy telling things that we have been hearing for years and absolutely no proof (what about a list of those fake accounts? Or any analysis?).
I will ignore this until something more concrete comes out. And i think everybody else should too.
Yes, but
Similar to our study, commuting by bicycle has previously been associated with a higher risk of hospital admission after a transport related incident in comparison to non-active commuting modes, and consistent with our findings, this study also showed that commuters who cycled to work had a lower risk of CVD, cancer, and death compared with non-active commuters. Other studies have confirmed that the health benefits of cycling are much greater than the risk of injuries.
cycling highlander!
forgot to write: “…in the considered interval of time” 😁
I mean this is the point. If you commute by buìike you get your share of phtysica excecise. Correlation and causation
From the article:
The significant contribution that active commuting makes to total physical activity may explain the positive associations active travel has had with health outcomes. One study found a 44% increase in physical activity levels in individuals who walked to work compared with those who travelled by car. Another Scottish study estimated that 46.5% of all active commuters in 2001 met a daily target of 30 min of moderate intensity activity from their commute alone. Our study did not account for physical activity unrelated to active travel and this may partially explain the larger reduction in all-cause mortality risk associated with cyclist commuting compared with other studies.
sorry about that, it’s really not funny when this happens.
but actually the data bout death from all causes includes that possibility
Cyclist commuters, compared with non-active commuters, were associated with an increased risk of hospitalisation after a traffic collision (HR 1.98, 95% CI 1.59 to 2.48), although this was a relatively rare event (83 hospitalisations over 18 years).
Similar to our study, commuting by bicycle has previously been associated with a higher risk of hospital admission after a transport related incident in comparison to non-active commuting modes, and consistent with our findings, this study also showed that commuters who cycled to work had a lower risk of CVD, cancer, and death compared with non-active commuters. Other studies have confirmed that the health benefits of cycling are much greater than the risk of injuries.
In effetti…
Grazie delle dritte!
Sì, ho notato. L’ultima volta che ho fatto roba aperta su internet (10 anni fa) IPv6 era inutile. E’ tuttora così? cioè a un dominio deve corrispondere un IPv4 per essere raggiungibile?
Chiarissimo adesso, grazie!
Ho visto aruba a 2€/mese, è meglio evitare?
Aspetta: mi hai consigliato di usare uno scassone locale, ma poi per avere un domain usi comunque un vps? E perché non usare direttamente un vps? È così più complesso? (Contesto: so usare ssh, linux, compilare da sorgente, usare in generale tool da linea di comando. Mi manca lesperienza di hostare server aperti sull’Internet)
Quando ti scocci di rispondermi,puoi mandarmi a cagare…
Questo? https://anzu.minimals.org/pippo
Mi da 502 bad gateway… Sarà spento! 😁
Wow grandissimo! Io queste cose le so tutte in teoria, ma la pratica è unaltra cosa!
Per le porte hai cambiato la configurazione di snac, o hai root?
Su android con termux non dovrebbero esserci grossi problemi di compilazione. Non so il server ngix… E ovviamente le porte sotto 1000 sarebbero problematiche senza root.
Inoltre termux dovrebbe sopravviere ai killeraggi di Android, anche se dipende dalla versione di quest’ultimo
Non so il consumo di corrente…
Interessante, posso federarmi con ip dinamico? E con dominio e DNS come faccio? (Devo ancora studiare, come vedi, pensavo di fare VPS+dominio tipo da aruba)
Ho un raspberry 0 W, forse è sufficiente!
Not the Onion?
Please add link to source, they deserve it: https://www.systemcomic.com/2011/02/28/the-system-472-road-sage/
Come hai scelto proprio questa console e non,per esempio, una di Anbernic?
Wrong: I do blame humans for making robots do wrong things
Any new device that supports it?