Neovim! Here is a good video to get started TJ DeVries. If you just want to give it a shot there are a lot of preconfigured options like lunar vim or NVchad.
Neovim! Here is a good video to get started TJ DeVries. If you just want to give it a shot there are a lot of preconfigured options like lunar vim or NVchad.
Thank you for your reply ❤️ . I’ve tried that fix using ~/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.steam/steam/steam_dev.cfg
but the issue still persists. I don’t think its just related to steam. I noticed sometimes when I go to a website it will time out but then it will load just fine on a refresh. Or like a YouTube video wont load initially. It’s very frustrating because it wont show up on other speed tests.
As I was typing this I thought in my head… This sounds like a DNS issue. It must be a DNS issue. For some reason even though my router was set to and my computer was set to my router, setting the DNS address manually in network manager fixed the issue.
Is there a good resource about alternative housing through a fire lense? Things like tiny homes, trailers, etc… Still very uncertain about housing on my fire path.
I’m feeling kind of lost. I’m a network engineer at a big company. I love my job but it’s 100% in office. I’m feeling like I’m missing out on a lot of things because I’m not remote. Any advice? Thinking of getting a bigger cert (CISSP comes to mind) and looking for something new. But I’m fairly compensated already and like what I do.
Hyprbar is not a thing. There is hyprlock hypecursor and hyprpaper.
I just started yesterday in a VM. It’s no stress and you can easily put your configuration on metal after. Pretty fun stuff.
Haven’t had any luck getting interviews? Could be your resume. Haven’t had any luck with getting offers? Could be your interviewing skills.
Thanks for the insight. That’s where I’m at now. I’m building that down payment fund but not as fast as I could be if I committed to buying something in the near future.
If you could record your mic with this it would be awesome.
I’m young in my fire journey but making really good progress. One thing I’m stuck on is the living situation. I can’t decided of I should buy something or just be a renter for life. I would like to travel quite a bit during retirement so I don’t know if it would make sense to own something. On the other hand it would be nice to have a home base. How did you guys approach this problem?
I haven’t tested on windows at all but I haven’t ran into any issues on Linux.
I wish you could record Mic audio with it.
What are your goals?
Hyperland. Nice, simple, and looks good.
The cover image to ascci art is the best feature!
For people who plan to travel a lot after you fire, what are your housing plans? Just short term rentals where ever you want to stay? Paying for a “home base” and also paying for housing when you travel seems expensive.
I use kitty because its the hyprland default.
Do you currently work in IT?
This is generally not a Linux support community. You did a good job posting in for Linux4noobs but now cross-posting seems like you are impatient for free support.