I’m not entirely sure but I think it’s a standard salute they give when they pledge allegiance to their flag. It’s reminiscent of Bellamy salute that was done in the states whose usage fell out of favor presumably for historical reasons.
Nya b’a’n tu’n t-xi tyec’in t-xew can, ku’n b’e’x ck’ayjil twi’ tk’ob’a.
I’m not entirely sure but I think it’s a standard salute they give when they pledge allegiance to their flag. It’s reminiscent of Bellamy salute that was done in the states whose usage fell out of favor presumably for historical reasons.
I hope Kix doesn’t make one.
Agreed! This one’s Venice at Sunset, if you’re wondering.
Is this a Gustave Doré engraving?
I’m not OP, but I think it’s Bannerman Castle on Pollepel Island in the Hudson River.
Have you seen Seconds? That one stars Rock Hudson and was also shot by Howe, so you might at least find the look of it appealing.
That was a fantastic movie! That’s a James Wong Howe film. But do you mean Burt Lancaster? I don’t recall Heston in that.
I haven’t seen that but I’ve been meaning to make an effort to watch Jodorowsky’s work.
I just remembered the film The Fall. I believe that was also Tarsem (like the Cell). I remember it being visually striking but not much else.
Night of the Hunter and Barry Lyndon come to mind. I’m willing to say most any Kubrick film has at least a few indelible shots. Oh and Kwaidan left quite an impression when I first saw it.
Sir Elton John and his husband David Furnish testified on behalf of the defense.
It’s the sator square.
Let’s not forget it stars a young Julia Louis-Dreyfus in her first film role, playing perhaps her most iconic character.
Twin Peaks!