Kevin O’Leary enters the chat, unable to disguise his hatred for the working class
Kevin O’Leary enters the chat, unable to disguise his hatred for the working class
Grade 3, I was saying “fuh” like the first sound in “fuck” and Katherine told on me for saying “fuck” even though I didn’t say it. Tragically, her story was believed and mine was not. I never forgave her. I also never saw her again after Grade 5, so whatevs.
Too early to tell, but at least PP has stopped trying to “make Canada great again” and he’s abandoned his Trumpian language somewhat.
Serious question, does it actually resonate with people with he continually throws around nicknames like “Carbon Tax Carney” or “Sell Out Singh”? I can’t stand that kind of disrespectful rhetoric no matter who uses it, but just curious if others find it appealing
Are you shitting me? This is beyond preposterous
I mean, did they? I know no facts on this case
Ah yes, the always reputable “Mysteries Knowledge” group
An important distinction. “Loan” feels like the wrong headline word to go with them; perhaps “budget” would be more accurate
Exactly this. All that “free market” talk always seems full of promise and idealism and then the government OKs subsidies like this and it’s just naked corporatism through and through.
I always preferred CFL rules tbh
Go kayaking by day
Jamaharon by night. Dunno if I spelled that right tho
It’s all by design. Enough is never enough for these companies. They’d burn the world to the ground if it made them an extra dollar
Holodecks as every home! Who needs furniture if you can live in a holodeck and summon furniture based on your needs or wants at any given moment? And why limit it to furniture? Furnishings and decor could also be holo’d! And beds, and windows, and could you Holo a Replicator to replicate any food you want? Feels like the possibilities are endless
CEOs aren’t interested in “building Canada”, they just want more money. For them, enough is never enough
This… Doesn’t infuriate anyone. Mildly or otherwise
What’s wrong with the S? Practically looks like it’s AI generated
So basically, anything that government is doing that corporations could do, he’s arguing that they should be doing, “because freedom”.
I’m unconvinced that with more libertarian economic policies, I will feel more “free”, and that this supposed freedom will make my life better.
Cripes, what an asshole
I love East As North
Yeah, I always put my potatoes in the microwave for 6:66, or if they’re somewhat larger potatoes, 7:77.
Ooooo, fundraising, that’ll help