Hey some of us americans arent fucking at all so I resent this statement
Orgo 1 and 2 were challenging for sure but nothing like physical chem or biochem 2. Those were the real skill checks
50 eggs in an hour
edit: just noticed it said “get” and not “eat”
dark magic mumbo jumbo
How in the ever loving fuck is this possible?
how dare you go against the nagus!
I dont remember anything graphic sex-wise in the series but it has been a few years so fair enough
Maybe something by Eoin Colfer? I havent read his stuff in a decade and a half so maybe it is for too young an audience but I loved Artemis Fowl books and his other works too. If some language and violence isnt a deal breaker, why not the expanse series by James SA Corey? Pretty good light-hard-sci-fi if that makes sense
That game was so cool!
As someone who grew up in the late 90’s and early 00’s as a christian midwest kid, it is a constant struggle to deprogram that stuff because it was EVERYWHERE.
brain dead take
WoT is the greatest of all time for me but man is it a labor of love at times
Anathem is one of the strangest and most rewarding books I’ve ever read. I absolutely love it. Like many of his other works it is a TOME but totally worth it. I did Termination Shock already this year and it was really cool. I hope you enjoy the rest of Anathem, it’s a helluva ride!
Yes! The Licanius Trilogy is one of my all time favorites. Partially it just hit me at the right time, but I also think it has a lot to offer on its own. It might not be the most original series at times, and there is a particularly odd part near the end of the series that felt underdeveloped, but overall I love the world, characters, and story. Definitely one of my favorite endings for a fantasy series too.
I also just recently finished book 3. Book 1 is phenomenal and somehow book 2 was even better. I definitely liked 3 the least but still really enjoyed it. The horror of book 2 was incredible. I was getting 11/10 heebie jeebies.
Agreed! The first novel is by far the most unique and the second is a nicely paced sequel. The third and fourth books have a drop off in quality but I still really like them as sf novels in their own right. Much more tame in style and execution. Simmons is an interesting author to say the least.
I was really happy with the mistborn era 2 books! I loved the original trilogy and hated the idea of the second era books, but when I actually read them I was blown away and now am an avid Cosmere reader.
I just recently finished Green Mars, book 2 of Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars trilogy. Really interesting series. It has a peculiar narrative that makes it feel like the planet or the civilization of the planet as a whole is the driving force of the narrative and the characters are secondary. I didnt really find myself attached to the characters in the first novel but by the end of the second one they had grown on me quite a bit.
I also finished re-reading Dawn by Octavia E Butler. I’ll re-read the other two books in the series soon but needed a break because that book is a bit heavy emotionally. Just very bleak in some ways. Super good though, and very provoking.
I also also am casually re-listening to Steven Brand’s narration of Anthony Ryan’s “Raven’s Shadow” trilogy which is really cool.
Completely agree with this and the other comments, except I wouldnt really recommend anyone start with Inversions (because you’ll miss all the explicitly-unstated context) or Look to Windward (as it is essentially a sequel to Consider Phlebas). Absolutely love the Culture series, you can really see how Banks was just trying stuff out with the various books. Use of Weapons and Player of Games are phenomenal, in particular.
All information on the internet is false, including this statement