What is your name, and have you ever travelled Internationally?
What is your name, and have you ever travelled Internationally?
We’re probably witnessing the future of US democracy right there. Every question, or at least the ones where they pretend public opinion matters, to be settled by a poll on shitter.
Le Chat is a good name. It’s also the name of, among other things, I’m sure, a Belgian comic strip.
Awkwardly? I’d say gentlemanly.
Crazy to think this was as late as 1957. Now that the US has one of those harassing kids behind the wheel, you should be back in the '50s within a couple of years, yeah?
Definitely. Do we know if the people who wanted a criminal moron in charge are still cheering him on, or are they starting to catch on to the fact that his plan always was to thoroughly fuck everyone over? Well, everyone but his clique.
I recall reading that a train station in Germany was using a C64 to power its’ departure displays well into the 2000s.
Jeg hadde ikke hørt den før, men nå har jeg det. For jeg regner med det er dette kunststykket du snakker om?
Ukraine has so many military targets with playgrounds. /s
Abrasion patch #35 is my favorite from Witch Hazel Hill. Very nice and uniform.
The correct caption here is How many chocolates do I want? Aaall of them! /s
Edit: Formatting
It just wouldn’t work, would it… imagine how dull our Christmas trees would be.
It probably makes it exponentially more difficult to follow since it’s 93% incoherent gibberish. You think you know where a sentence is going and suddenly there’s a 90 degree turn and the topic changes from tariffs on chips to talking about an uncle who was a great race car driver.
Imagine how much faster new aircraft designs can get approval if the faa is a private entity that just approves everything, for a fee, of course. The US can build fall-out-the-sky-planes faster than anyone! /s
It’s such an obscene idea, to carve out huge faces of politicians from the side of a mountain.
That would’ve been beautiful - drivers essentially canceling the first few races.
This is just the screening room - behind the door is where Dorris makes the magic happen. See, it all makes sense!
I watched the movie back in the day, the one with Travolta, and I really don’t remember anything from it. I was just trying to be funny by continuing your play on it being a documentary, but I’m the only one giggling at my jokes these days
English is not my native tongue, and I knew I was on thin ice with that one…
Everyone should’ve chipped in with a dollar and you’d have your own country! /s