Nice. Mines an older Clara I bought about 5 years ago. I personally don’t have the use for a color screen, but for $10 I guess why not! Most books I read don’t have any images besides the cover
I installed KO Reader as soon as I got it and never looked back. Not as pretty as the standard Nickel (?) OS but more customisable.
I love having an e-reader. I read so much more because of it. Much more convenient, not having to worry about heavy books, holding open pages, no need to worry about proper lighting for reading. Light and small enough to bring everywhere. I will buy another immediately once this one dies.
I mean I agree with you and I’ve already signed the change.org petition, I’m not sure what else I can do. I don’t know anyone who supports Destiny Church or Brian Tamaki. Like I said, I don’t think much will change with the current lot in power.
I can’t make much comment about what the Police should do, I don’t really know all the details. Hopefully they get the right people who incited it too.