Should China or Russia fail to uphold their end of such a bargain
And they will, have no doubt about it.
Music (mainly prog rock) and veggie loving, geeky cat butler living in Hertfordshire UK. A lover of all things LOTR (since I first read it nearly 60 years ago) scifi and what have you. Ex soldier (Royal Artillery) and other trades ;-)
Should China or Russia fail to uphold their end of such a bargain
And they will, have no doubt about it.
Yes, he’ll chop the US stockpile and let Putin carry on as usual. Because Putin suggested it to him as a way of saving money.
Trump will spout it as one of his bigly clever plans, because he has common sense and is such a brilliant business man. Lot of people tell him. Very clever people.
Looks good, but unfortunately my car (2019 UK Kia Niro hybrid) only accepts Android Auto - and it’s pretty much the only time I’d use the phone for navigation as it provides the GPS for the car :-(
It stems from General Magic - look them up on WIkipedia. I saw this quote and realised how forward thinking those guys were "In 1990, Porat wrote the following note to Sculley: “A tiny computer, a phone, a very personal object . . . It must be beautiful. It must offer the kind of personal satisfaction that a fine piece of jewelry brings. It will have a perceived value even when it’s not being used… Once you use it you won’t be able to live without it.” Nailed it.
I bet some of those affected voted for him or his minions as well.
I take it he’s at the front of the queue.
That we know of…
Give him time 😉
Re: your first paragraph. Absolutely, my bank account can round up and put the ‘leftovers’ into a savings account.
Also, Richard Pryor made an excellent film with this as the theme.
Look at the article, scroll down about half way and look at Carlson’s face (I know that’s a painful thought but just humour me) then tell me you didn’t burst out laughing.
Too late, the bastards have already bred.
They probably ordered it.
They don’t like it up 'em, do they?
Can’t accept it when it happens to them.
So he has the concept of a plan.
The plan itself he’ll make up half an hour before it’s due, and then spout off about how everyone agrees it’s the best plan ever. The fact that they knew sod all about it, is neither here nor there. It’ll give Trump a few more hours of air time, because that’s what he wants, to be the main news event every day.
What a tool.
Exactly, they voted him in. And don’t give me this crap about protest votes or ‘sat on their arse and couldn’t be bothered’ votes.
That’s why the Grifter In Chief is sat in the White House now.
This is your life now, everything bad that happens will be blamed on his predecessors, never mind he is one of his own predecessors, the ignorant, and stupid orange muppet.
If only his father had used one…
To quote Ramsay Bolton, ‘If you think there will be a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention.’
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Pennyworth. Can’t believe I never heard of this when it first came out. Am really enjoying it.
Belsen started as a place to hold political prisoners and other ‘undesirables’, then Polish and (after Hitler had had enough.of Stalin) Russian POWs.
I’d trough the lot!
Loving a recipe without garlic as well :-)