Chocolate, the kung fu movie about the girl with Taskmaster’s ability?
That’s a fun one, haven’t seen it in probably 15 years. I should do a rewatch.
Chocolate, the kung fu movie about the girl with Taskmaster’s ability?
That’s a fun one, haven’t seen it in probably 15 years. I should do a rewatch.
Too bad they can’t just pick up a rando with mental health issues and lie, torture, and starve him in a room until he “confesses”
Gatekeeping amputees as not counting as people with disabilities is actually the hottest take in this whole thread, and not in a good way lmao
That is the ice-coldest of takes lmao
Nah that guy’s an upright citizen.
They are planning to buy
So far so good
or maybe just electricity
Uh oh
All the juice runs out if there’s holes; this will let a good amount collect.
A headline of a judge ordering something to happen doesn’t instantly make it happen. Still takes time.
Not at all. Other climate deniers, sure.
But if you ask Alex Jones about climate change, his usual line is that the earth actually needs more CO² because it makes plants grow good, and the globalists are tricking us into reducing emissions to destroy ourselves.
Auction hasn’t happened yet, the staff recently had to go around putting sticky notes on personal property to make sure it didn’t get included.
I know what it would be illegal for me to say that she should do with that.
You’re assuming that it’s a reanimated animal
I’m assuming it’s a couple babies skeletonized and combined into a bone golem.
We are not the same.
The guy punching me clearly espouses a pacifist ideology, so calling him violent is absurd horseshoe theory nonsense.
Naw this is a case of the media tiptoing around him and preferring easily digested headlines.
He’s clearly not describing The Purge in the actual quote. He doesn’t want to make crime legal.
He’s describing Kristallnacht. He wants the cops to be able to punish anyone they want with as much violence as they want. He wants a massacre of anyone they declare a criminal, aka minorities and dissidents.
It’s so much fucking scarier than the bullshit headlines and it’s so fucking frustrating.
… What the fuck
Oh shit, that sounds way more fun than casual Friday
They call me Johnny Smallatoms
According to you
Fun fact, if John ever tries to buy enough stock to regain control of the company, everyone else’s stock will automatically divide to water down his shares because fuck John Schnatter