Alguém sabe por que ele tá fazendo isso? Ele só enlouqueceu? Existe alguma estratégia por trás? Ele quer capitalizar a reascensão do nazismo?
Ademir, tu é foda. Mandei minha ajuda
Men ☕
tf did he expect talking like this? 🤣🤣🤣
let’s gooooo, you guys are amazing!
Please! Think of the shareholders, we must protect them!
Coloque um limite de 70% no download e no upload do cliente torrent. Se você não souber as velocidades de cabeça, utilize um site para mensurar a velocidade (eu uso o da google fiber, o pessoal por aqui deve saber um site melhor) e coloque 70% das velocidades apresentadas.
muito obrigado. Não consegui encontrar antes de postar, estava com pouco tempo para pesquisar muito.
Vou colocar na postagem
Let’s go recommend Lemmy to them!!!
A direita sobre a redução da jornada de trabalho: 😴
estou torcendo para o linux se beneficiar com isso kkkkkkkkkkkkk
I think the mods should at least update the community’s rules to justify their removal of some comments.
I recently asked about open source keyboards here. Some people mentioned a keyboard that (as far as I know) isn’t open source, but it was mentioned a lot for some reason. There are a lot of comments removed by the moderation, I don’t know if this is the best approach.
Maybe the mods should at least leave an explanation in the comments saying: “please do not recommend closed source software”, so that users don’t scratch their heads thinking “why are there 26 removed comments by the moderation?”
Thanks, I already seed many torrents using qbittorret. The thing is: I don’t know what this post is about, what files should I seed to help you guys?
Hey, what is going on? How can I seed something to help you guys?
Não é spam, ela tá na sua.
“How can I live in a world where they delete my comments? I can accept any other form of suffering for minorities, but please, do not remove my comment 🥺”
Blaze, you’re doing god’s work, man.
I try to be somewhat active here on lemmy. But you? Everyday I see your name here, that’s amazing, my guy. Thank you very much for your activity.