I had a professor with legit old school experience and patents to his name teach my architecture class. for his first semester teaching decided f the book I’ll write my own 8 bit computer on the white board with terrible handwriting.
I had a professor with legit old school experience and patents to his name teach my architecture class. for his first semester teaching decided f the book I’ll write my own 8 bit computer on the white board with terrible handwriting.
If you’re not programming on punch cards you’re a filthy casual
It’s supposed to be unique and might actually be now, but there are def duplicate ssns out there. Craziest identity situation I was told by a project manager of government system that is all about identities. Same First, Same last,same Date of Birth, same SSN; different people.
His mental illness doesn’t excuse it, but the guy is legit crazy. He def could have started spiraling out at any point and went down an anti-semitism rabbit hole and just went full Nazi then. My guess would be around the time he first started talking publicly about Jewish people was about the time that occurred.
I have figured it out. Kanye West is actually Andy Kaufman and this is his final troll.
I mean there is def an uptick, but lets make sure we’re not conflating anti-Israel/anti-zionism/anti-genoside with anti-semitism.
I always wanted one of these painted SF giants orange with the black top.
Ahh I get it now, you’re just a fucking idiot.
You’re right, I didn’t start using computers before Windows 3.1. I don’t lead a team of developers for software used all over the world and is the largest of it’s kind. I definitely never have developed software on Linux. I’ve also never built my own computer. I surely don’t have a degree in computer science. What is a computer anyways I obviously only have an iPad.
Should be in not the onion
Turns out it was just a drink eagles fan mad at the refs for winning another game for kc
I was told to change gender to sex on the apps I develop. I’m pushing to have it removed all together because it’s a field that has no relevance and the order is fucking dumb. My niece is trans saying they don’t exist doesn’t make them not exist.
The next time she checked the temperature it was 76F works really good!!
Not for the benefit of the citizen though
I went to OPM right after this happened, everybody I met was fired.
Only the FBI would be involved NSA and CIA are foreign Intel focused.
Are you writing it on how love transcends physics.
I don’t have a low libido and I don’t think she’s attractive.
She walks into a bar and the bartender says why the long face.
As a gov contractor is be all for improving efficiency but what is happening is the exact opposite.