Really hard, but possibly paprika or maybe garlic?
Butternut squash and spinach are also popular.
Any cheese. Stilton, feta or Stinky Bishop.
Here to try and be social. Very strange as I’m not in real life. A bloke getting on in age, who has been round the block. Mentally, I may be ill, but I’m not as sick as those in charge of us. Let’s laugh, or at least make fun of the idiots. Mostly here for fun, whatever that means?
Really hard, but possibly paprika or maybe garlic?
Butternut squash and spinach are also popular.
Any cheese. Stilton, feta or Stinky Bishop.
I’m enjoying a little non-fiction at present. The Secret Life of Fungi: Discoveries from a Hidden World by Aliya Whiteley. Last year I started hiking, and as a resulted started falling in love with mosses, lichen, and fungi. Once I get interested in something, I desire all the knowledge. Possibly an ADHD thing. The book is a wonder, such a relaxed style of writing. Not academic and with no flow, like some non-fiction books can be. The knowledge just flows from every sentence, and it has made me walk further and get out much more. It really has given be a boost. The book is simply so engaging. I have caught my partner reading it, and devouring it. She is not even interested in fungi at all.
Thanks for all the work you do, and I hope you find it rewarding. Most of all, look after yourself mentally and physically. The same goes for the whole team.
The fact you are being transparent and honest about your work and plans for the future, is a huge bonus. Even admitting to setback and problems, is refreshing. I certainly don’t expect a super human running the show, and everything to be perfect. If anything, that would make me question the place and avoid it. So many places talk rubbish, spewing out a word salad, but actually say nothing. Even worse, they say one thing and do the precise opposite. You come across as … well, the total opposite of Spez and those running Deaditt.
Elton Muskrat forgot to pay the bills again.
I wish I had some developer knowledge, more of an artist, and that’s of no use here. At least people are aware of the issue. With no API for Kbin as yet, the apps will be further away I guess? I can wait, still very early days here.
Don’t shoot until you see the white of their eyes. Or they repost and spam the place.
I welcome all newbies, so long as they are human. Dated an alien once, she was from X-R/3DY. A cold planet, just like her.
A majority can’t even be bothered to post anything in their magazines.
My account was 15 years old, I think? Whilst I am at home here. I do find out of habit open Reddit up on Desktop or Mobile. That’s only been four or five times since the start of June.
I have numerous things to keep me entertained inside. Gaming, reading, cooking, music, being creative which at present is drawing using dip pen and ink. Sometimes I will find myself writing, it could be poetry or some mindless rant. Like you, I enjoy a hike, and on days with bad weather I often find myself plotting my next few trips using one of the many map tracking websites available.
My plan for tomorrow, is building hedgehog houses. I will be doing this inside, but they will be going outside for any hedgehog visitors we get.
Some great artists here I will check out myself. Other artist I recommend checking out are;
Electric Universe
Astral Projection
Easily Embarrassed
I can see Meta going ahead with their plan, and everyone blocking them. They will then start bad-mouthing the Fediverse because it’s never their fault.
They have various alt accounts, if I recall correctly. Before closing my account on Reddit, and this drama happening, I am sure she mentioned opening an account on Beehaw.
It’s such a subjective question. As a result, the answers you get will confuse you even more. It really depends on what type of user you are, and what software and hardware you have. Most basic users will notice some graphical changes, but not much else. I am not one of these people and use my desktop for everything from gaming, writing, music, and drawing. I am perfectly happy with 11 over 10. Yes, it has little annoyances, but then every version of Windows does. Those saying version X was great, are simply wearing those rose-tinted glasses. The perfect operating system does not exist, simply because us users are such a varied bunch. So catering to us all at once will create friction and issues.
The simple answer is, if you’re going to stick with Windows rather than move to Linux, then upgrade. You will have to do it at some point. So long as you don’t do it within the first six months of the new version of Windows being released. Then you will be fine. The later you leave it, the less time you have to become comfortable with it before you ask this question again about the next upgraded version of Windows.
I did work for a company who ran various care homes across the country. Some for people with ill health, some just for old age. The changes care homes were having to adapt to was interesting. Not only more openly gay relationships, various different religions, etc… But also a vastly different array of hobbies, and that for some included gaming. This meant care homes having to upgrade internet/wifi, and many other adaptions. Some used handheld games machines, or mobile phones. A couple had PCs. I don’t recall seeing any Mac’s. A few had games machines. One elderly lady adored her original Gameboy. So it does take all sorts.
Now I’m the same age as you, so I can recall growing up and 99% of girls at school just switched off at talk of the latest game for the Spectrum 48k. We would get called geek, and other names. To a point, the stereotype will stick with some people as they grow up. But I find many, regardless of gender, do or will play games. Even if it’s some form of Snake of their phone. Or maybe board games. It’s all about having fun, pure and simple. Maybe they have fun in other ways. Maybe you’re not compatible? I have always had the rules that a future partner would need to enjoy games at some level, mobile phone, board games, card games, etc… Have to own books and read. Have a love of music. Beyond that, it’s negotiable.
So an age limit on games, nah!
Precisely. This is how I recall the early days of Reddit. Even then, early Reddit had people pointing out bugs and features they wanted. I’m happy here, and happy with the progress. Some people need to chill.
Humour is subjective. Her awful performance and insane budget were not subjective.
The Slits - I Heard It Through The Grapevine
Pure Imagination - Fiona Apple
Hotel California - The Cat Empire
Dolph Lundgren – A Little Less Conversation
Snuff - I think we’re alone now
China Drum - Wuthering Heights
The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain - Smells Like Teen Spirit
The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain - Sweet Dreams
Hayseed Dixie - Bohemian Rhapsody
Richard Cheese - Gin And Juice
The Rock Orchestra - Chop Suey
Prime Orchestra - The Prodigy Medley
I do adore a cover version that brings something new to the song;
Orkestra Obsolete play Blue Monday
Gotye - Somebody that I used to know - Dutch choir
Not quite a cover, but more of inspiration taken from Paper Planes - ‘Paper Plates’ by Mr.B The Gentleman Rhymer
Umbrella - Manic Street Preachers
Toy Dolls - Nellie The Elephant
Siouxsie And The Banshees - The Passenger and Dear Prudence
Cornershop perform Norwegian Wood
I could go on for ages. Might add some more later. Hope somebody enjoys at least some of these?
It depends on the laws in your country and to what extent you follow them. If you’re ten or twenty metres behind, and it’s only for a few minutes, you’re possibly safe. But if you’re hiding under their bed, then you have issues and need to seek attention now, possibly medical.*