Israel makes wholesale use of administrative detention - holding Palestinians without charge or trial, for terms that can be renewed indefinitely. These detentions are based exclusively on secret information, preventing any meaningful judicial review.
How do you define hostage versus prisoner when people are being locked up for indefinite periods of time based on ‘evidence’ that they, their lawyers or anyone outside the IDF are able to see?
Do you hold the Israeli forces that hold hostage without atrial or any evidence of wellbeing to the same standard?
Okay, this is super disingenuous, right. you’re just activity trolling at this point, right?
Isn’t it just an edgy humour group that has gone too fast? A lso, you can be assessed to WhatsApp groups without your approval.
Okay, I see your point, but they are still investigating. Give them a bit of a chance
None of us, what do you mean, paid, nope, well? where? what? … shut up
Let’s go Norwich!
Any particular reason why?
pretty good hands, though.
Weirdly, super consistent with your image.
Nope. Here’s what I got by asking for Quentin Blake
I mean, it’s a really cool image, I wonder if it would have been closer to what you wanted if you’d asked for it in the style of Quentin Blake?
And who spelt dyslexia like that
Surely it’s impossible as the space you moved from would be empty?