I was thinking “I’m going to break my arm so mommy can give me a hand 😜”
Apply a meme and a play on words.
A computer wouldn’t see why they would break a fictional arm so a parental figure could give them a hand. Real hand? Help? Even if it got handjob. Like you said it’s probably bad at weird sexual kinks.
Why someone would want to shove a metal rod up thier penis is beyond me even.
So if there’s three people looking at a metal rod on table and one says “You can do some melding with that!” “That’s pure aluminum, I bet that’s worth a pretty penny” or “I think I could fit that in my pee hole”
It’s probably the best to believe the third is a real human
3 types of cards
Attackers Engines Support
This would be an attacker.
You can not sit there and hope to put on 3 energy to get 1 attack. 6 whole turns before you can get off 2 attacks.
Anyways this would require an engine card. Like Gardevoir.
Now you need 2 basics pokemon to use the ability. If you put in Raltz that means less chance of getting the other two basic pokemon.
Card has a lot of draw backs and not enough benefits
140 attack is enough most of the time. The +20 damage only applys in fringe cases
I could see you building a deck with the card that would counter a specific deck, like cresselia ex, that has 160HP with cape. The event deck is super slow