In a country founded by white aristocratic slave-owners it should be no surprise that racism and classism are intertwined.
In a country founded by white aristocratic slave-owners it should be no surprise that racism and classism are intertwined.
You took it there.
The boomer ellipsis drives me nuts. It gives me a very ominous feeling, like something is being left unsaid that I’m supposed to extrapolate. The only time I use an ellipsis in text is when I want to indicate that the thought is incomplete.
It’s great that you’re doing better, but your survival and mental wellbeing should never have been conditioned on employment in the first place. What you did - switching to a new career that gave you a sense of fulfillment - is something that countless others have extreme difficulty doing because the threat of homelessness and destitution is held over our heads like a sword of Damocles.
You shouldn’t have had to take a pay cut to find happiness.
See the top comment.
I unfortunately have to spend a considerable amount of time around racist Americans and you are very wrong.
It could not possibly be more relevant in your line of work than it is right now.
An exceedingly dangerous activity indeed.
I get that it offers a bunch of features that you can’t get anywhere else, but I just can’t shake the uneasy feeling that it’s all a trojan horse for something more sinister. I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop and see it suddenly explode in controversy after someone exposes something not quite kosher going on under the surface.
It’s just too good to be true.
Exactly! It’s really disheartening to me to see so many youtubers who are otherwise insightful be so uncritically supportive of Ground News because they “like what they’re trying to do.”
This is partly why I don’t trust Ground News. They’re putting way too much money into advertising for me to believe they’re genuinely interested in providing an unbiased factual categorization of news sources.
I also simply don’t believe it’s possible to be unbiased, so anyone claiming to be is immediately suspect to me.
We need to be mad at non-voters, people who “lashed out” and voted for Trump, and people who let themselves be swept away by the lies of a grifter who we did nothing but warn them about. But we also need to be mad at the DNC
Please also try to funnel that anger into meaningful action. Staying mad at non-voters is understandable but also entirely unhelpful. Staying mad at the DNC however is both understandable and rational, and has the potential to drive change if you allow yourself to channel it into something productive.
Grammatical gender will never make sense to me, and I suspect that’s because it actually just doesn’t make sense.
Even if they have a covid-related autoimmune disease?
Perhaps acting as if Arab Americans are a cohesive voting bloc rather than a sea of individuals making individual decisions is a mistake. Quoting Rashida Tlaib as if she’s part of the problem is ridiculous.
900 people is a fairly small sample size for a study like this, and the data is entirely self-reported. Given that long covid is suspected to be autoimmune-related and the 17.9% that reported worsening symptoms after vaccination, it seems premature to recommend everyone with long covid immediately get the vaccine.
I’m not a medical professional and you probably aren’t either, so we shouldn’t be taking one study and running with the shaky conclusions it draws. Let the scientific community do their work.
Why do you insist on absolving the Democrats of responsibility for their own decisions? It’s on them to learn the right lessons, and they didn’t. It is difficult to get someone to understand something when their salary depends on them not understanding it. Left-populism is the clear solution to their problems but it scares them because it is in direct opposition to their financial interests.
And? Do you think an endorsement automatically means everyone who would have voted for Bernie would vote for Harris? Like I said, Bernie’s popularity over other Democratic candidates was most pronounced in red states. Those votes didn’t transfer to Harris, they transfered to Trump, or to no one at all.
What tangible evidence do they have that moving left will gain them more votes than it will cost them?
Actual data from Bernie Sanders’ campaign showing that he was vastly more popular overall (and especially in red states) than the centrists.
I speak only for myself, and I happen to believe being a sociopathic robber baron isn’t genetic.