Without appropriate structure will we be able to effectively communicate ideas?
Without appropriate structure will we be able to effectively communicate ideas?
Verbing weirds language.
If you want more art from this artist https://megrocks.com/
The Bible and Shrek are both human mythology. Stories we’ve created, learned, and lived that encapsulate aspects of the lived human experience.
I’m glad they finally got Scraps working on Mac-Connected augmented reality glasses.
Yeah, that’s fair.
The highest level of education my grandpa achieved was 6th grade, but he still became a spokesperson for his union and partook in an adequate amount of property destruction to accomplish what needed to get done.
I guess I see language models as a tool to displace workers, and in this instance I feel like it’d be way more productive for a group of workers to get together and talk about what they’re trying to accomplish instead of having a language model tell them what to do.
Edit: I guess what I’m saying is that workers don’t need to be sophisticated or eloquent, they just need to be human.
Am I the only person who thinks it’s darkly ironic imagining a worker using a language model to write a script urging people to strike?
Like, if you don’t feel strongly enough to write your own feelings and thoughts how do you possibly think you’re going to be able to connect with other workers?
Also werewolves look great in cutoffs.
People existed before money, and they can exist after it.
Come with me, and you’ll be, in a wooooorld of pure imagination!
It has had them for as long as I can remember 🤔
Well this explains a lot.
Indeed. Jesus was trying to convince everyone that they were the children of God and that they could live in heaven if they just learn to love each other.
I often thought it’d be cool to have founding legal documents available in a source control system that was available to everyone.
Hip hop has influenced Japanese culture to some degree. Samurai Champloo (released in 2004) is the most hip hop influenced anime I can think of, with Shing02 (born in 1975) being the Japanese rapper I’m most familiar with.
Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike (1999) had a hip hop influenced style.
Whether or not rap is “more popular” now can probably be answered by doing some research. https://www.billboard.com/charts/japan-hot-100/
If you’re content I don’t think anything really has to change. Keep enjoying life my friend.
Now everybody’s down at McDonalds, they’re down with Ronald McDonald, and now they’re hitting the bottle and everybody cool.
It’s normal to a degree, but when you’re rapidly transitioning from one state to the next it can be very uncomfortable.
It’ll try at least, lol