You had a bedtime at 18? How old were you when you moved out if you don’t mind me asking?
(it’s a vegan cupcake, in case you were wondering)
You had a bedtime at 18? How old were you when you moved out if you don’t mind me asking?
That sounds a lot like my situation. Little firewood-burning stove was the only heat for the whole (albeit little) house, but the kitchen and living room were the same room anyway, just that the floor where the kitchen was was linoleum while the “living room” was where there was carpet. There were no stairs, but my doorless walk-in-closet bedroom was just an offshoot next to the single bathroom, both of which could be seen into from the living room/kitchen (though the bathroom did at least have a door lol). But it wasn’t a big deal because it was just how things were. I only had one sibling who was a lot older and often not around, but yeah for me, I was still sleeping in my parents room quite a bit even into early double-digit years old.
I didn’t get to have a door because my bedroom was actually a walk-in closet/storage room. I don’t think it was that I wasn’t allowed to have a door so much as that my dad (who installed the kitchen and all the cabinetry in the small house) didn’t feel like taking off the molding around the doorway to put a door on it. I was always told it wasn’t possible for some reason.
But when I was 13 we were able to move to a new place where I actually had a real bedroom with a door. I remember feeling like I had “arrived” and finally knew what it was like for the normal/rich kids (who were the same thing in my mind back then). That was a good age to finally get some privacy, for obvious reasons, but before that I didn’t really mind not having a door, I had a lot of anxiety problems even as a really young kid and would often just go sleep on the floor next to my parents bed. Any desire for privacy was nothing compared to the fear of being alone and disconnected, and I thought a door would have made that worse.
Remember how she carries a bottle of hot sauce with her wherever she goes? Especially if that hotdog comment was said when she was campaigning, it was only because she thought it would make her more appealing to the lowly, unwashed masses. “See, I’m just like all you dirty poors!”
Lol, I have been reading theory for almost 2 decades now, kid. I even taught at a community college for a while.
Listen, this is clearly a case of “every accusation a confession” - that is to say, you are well aware of your own naivete and so you project it onto others as a defense mechanism. Fortunately, there is a cure for that sort of ignorance, and in large part it does indeed involve reading theory and exposing yourself to perspectives that may seem frightening due to your having been awash in a sea of propaganda all your life. Come join our Das Kapital reading group on hexbear (hosted by the awesome @Cowbee@hexbear.net) and maybe learn a little something about the real world you’re so painfully unaware of.
I want Russia to win (and it will) and I want China to win (and it will). My use of an LLM isn’t going to make one lick of difference one way or the other, but if it did, I would help it in any and every conceivable way.
You are a fucking nerd for thinking you have more “privacy” to lose to China than to the profiteering, rent-seeking silicon valley bastards who are already and right now exploiting the fuck outta you.
Oh nice, thank you.
Oh… ok, well thanks anyway.
np. Future reference, if you’re just using the web site and not something like jerboa or whatever, if you start typing @ and then the user name, there should be a little popup showing matching usernames that you can then tap on and it auto-fills in the name as a link and tags them without you having to type out the markup.
Also just to add, I don’t think your tag in the post worked. It’s not showing up as a link since you don’t have the necessary markup code in there. But hopefully the tag that LaGG_3 commented should alert u/jumble if they still check their account.
Yep, just tried to listen to the latest TrueAnon and couldn’t. I would also love it if anyone had any alternatives. A feed for the Deprogram patreon episodes would be great too, I don’t think jumble.top had that one.
Similar to what others said, it is about control. The US state has complete control over how the “algorithm” feeds people the narratives that the US wants to feed them when it comes to the major social media platforms. But not with TikTok. It is not a national security threat in the way they want people to think it is, but it is a national security threat in that they can’t force their curated propaganda through it as they see fit, like they can with the other platforms. It’s a propaganda liability.
Yep, I’m getting that too. Full error banner says:
The socket.io library could not be loaded from https://live.hexbear.net:8443/socket.io/socket.io.js. Ensure that it is not being blocked by a script blocking extension or firewall and try again.
Turned off ublock and umatrix extensions & firewall but still getting it. Looks like it’s not a totally new issue.
I wonder how many times you could get away with “Oh shit, sorry, my bad!” before they catch on. “I could have sworn the safety was on, I just instinctively turned around when I thought corporal dudley called my name.” “I know grenades are dangerous but I’ve always been such a butterfingers.”
Our Supreme Poster 72T made an effortpost some years back about rare earth minerals.
Here is the link if anyone is interested. As always from 72T, it’s informative, thorough in so far as its intent and length, and a well written analysis.
I’m sorry your comment seems to have been missed with no responses and no unbears after 2 hours, so I’ll delurk to respond.
No, you don’t need to read theory to post here or even to be a good comrade. In fact I would bet that at least 80% of regular posters here (outside the newsmega) do not read theory and also learned terms like “tailism” right here too. The misuse of terms like that happens here often enough that I think this must be the case. So do not feel bad about it at all!
That’s not to say that you shouldn’t read theory, because it will hone you into a better leftist and more capable of making informed analyses on anything from geopolitics to struggle sessions like this one. But be careful, it will also make you more adept at twisting your rationale to better suit your immediate position or what you want to be true (sometimes even fooling yourself), something else that I’ve seen demonstrated in this very thread.
I totally empathize with what you said about once being a voracious reader but not being able to anymore. It’s exactly like that for me too. For me though it has a lot to do with attention span. Mine is just completely shot. Once I’m into a book a little ways, I keep having to reread the same paragraph 5 times to absorb it. My mind keeps wandering off even as my eyes follow the words on the page. I know what I need to do to improve it again, but it involves giving up internet treats like this site. (Maybe that’s why some of the mods keep starting these obnoxious struggle sessions! They’re trying to get us to log off long term and not rely on hexbear to be place where we can have fun posting among comrades, maybe? That’s playing the long game, but it would explain a lot.)
Anyway, I give my solidarity and I wish you luck on staying alive for one, which I agree is difficult sometimes, but also that your extra hours and extra spoons line up better going forward. Reading theory is good and healthy and helps you grow as a leftist, but it’s hard to get anything out of it when your life is so chaotic that you barely have time to read. But it’s one of those chicken and egg sort of things… taking the time to read more despite the chaos might help in taming some of it. Only you would know if that’s true in your case of course. But I know it is in mine.
I would comment more on the topic of this struggle session but seeing as I mostly agree with the people whose comments are getting removed, I guess I’ll hold my tongue. … Yep, it might be time for me to give up the leftist bear social media but take on more books again instead, I don’t know. My favorite site/community turning so sour is not the motivation I would have wanted.
I’m not the user you were asking for the screenshots, but here they are. There’s not really anything there worth screenshotting, it’s the usual “nothing here” message, but this is what it looks like on old.reddit and a redlib instance.
Their fingerprinting methods are rather extreme. I was a little surprised I was still shadow banned when I tried making accounts on a totally new device a while back. But if you did roughly what this guide suggests, is there anything you did differently? If so, that might be where you want to start looking for how they were able to fingerprint you.
u/DoobKiller 1h ago edited 1h ago
Thanks for the practical advice, I was asking https://www.reddit.com/user/MsSarge22/ though who seems to be here to diffuse any political will into yet another center-right pro-business democratic campaign running the same corporate platform that’s practically indistinguishable from the republican platform that’s failed over and over again
(sorry for the delay, just saw this reply)
see: https://red.ngn.tf/r/somethingiswrong2024/comments/1h9qpxj/i_cant_deal/m14ut7p/
As others have said, nope, nothing there. If you’re using an established account, you could be shadowbanned. If it’s a new account, you might just not meet the criteria for having a comment go through. If being able to post on is important, you might want to check out this guide on how to do that while remaining totally anonymous and circumventing their bans (and they will ban all your accounts across all your devices for going against the narrative a little too much).
Edit, just saw your comment about using TOR, VPNs etc. If you are following marcie’s guide and you are still getting shadowbanned on accounts that they shouldn’t be able to recognize as you, that’s strange and a little worrisome.
Not really, tbh. The ones they don’t like they just pretend don’t exist, and most of the actually good ones are written ambiguously enough in the constitution itself that there’s no problem weaseling around them.
Absolutely. But they’d be openly murdered and their organization systematically infiltrated and dismantled even faster than what happened with the original Black Panthers. Certainly at least if it were in the US and it was a BIPOC-led organization. Or am I being too doomerist?