So this must be all the “innovation” and “disruption” I keep hearing about.
So this must be all the “innovation” and “disruption” I keep hearing about.
The ham is the critical part here. It gives the pineapple juice something to work on.
Unpopular opinion: Instead of being a fighter for social justice, it could have been just some rando hitman hired by an even richer rival. Guy then was spirited away on the next private flight to Mauritius or wherever.
They’re selling spaying spray?
Maybe the guy sitting next to her was in the wrong bathroom.
From the legendary Used Kids Records store, maybe?
This reminded me of a story in “Archipelago Gulag.” Bear in mind, some gulags were absolutely vast.
So at least in this particular gulag, women and men had separate dormitories, but men often visited the ladies’ huts and openly got it on, resulting in a lot of pregnancies. Pregnant women didn’t need to work and after their 2nd (3rd?) child, they were discharged and could go home.
The guards finally managed to keep the intruders out, but now, men and women just met after work, out in the open. Guards put up barbed wire to gender-separate the areas. Pregnancies surged even harder. How so? You see, the wire did not touch the ground in all places. So the men got down under the wire, on their backs. The women squatted down, and…
The guards then put up a solid fence, but good jumpers/ climbers could get over it, so… pregnancies, still. Finally, they made the fence so tall that the baby-making stopped… almost entirely.
They just started shooting “Tenet 2.” Proof: Look at the last few frames, the wheels of the car are rotating backwards.
Word up to the manthing
She’s always cold lamping
Visine at the canteen
I just wanna watch you dance
She is. ;-)
Very well done!
Minor nitpick though, it’s “Telugu”, not “Telegu.”
Surviving in love, surviving in hate
We still have to die, there can be no escape
Clock in, clock out, forty hours a week
Our lives being spent with no real truth to speak
(Sung by the guy who hung himself at age 40 to the sound of Sean Lennon’s “Into The Sun.” Don’t try this at home, kids.)
deleted by creator
“In communist society, where nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity but each can become accomplished in any branch he wishes, society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticise after dinner, just as I have a mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, herdsman or critic.” - K.M.
Go on…
For those who didn’t read the article or aren’t following EU politics, Euro 7, passed in April, explicitly addresses the need for reining in pollution from brakes and tires. Some more information here:
There’s a new Euro standard “major version” every 5.8 years on average, so here’s hoping that my outdoor furniture will soon not become completely blackened within a year after the last cleaning.