The Wild Ones The Nero Show
The Wild Ones The Nero Show
I might have to go back to doing this. Basic men’s haircuts seem to be $35-50 wherever you go now.
Sure rents and expenses have gone up which is fair, but its still a lot of money for 12 mins in the chair.
“By not building this bridge, we can invest more in critical projects in the future, like better roads and better transport to keep Brisbane moving."
Better roads? What does ‘better transport’ even mean? I would have thought having a walkable or active transport direct link would be far ‘better’.
Question from a non-American, can you choose your Health insurer, or is it decided by your employer?
If you can freely choose, it would be great to have these denial/delay rates published, so people could vote with their feet to the company with the lowest denial rates and thus apply pressure to companies like this.
Simplistic view, I know. Things are much different here thank goodness.
The museum in Ballarat is excellent and well worth a good look at this fascinating history.
Love the German club. One of the best places for a hearty feed (and actually decent beer) in Brissy.
Exactly the same, pharmacist will request to see your ID.
About time. Thankfully in Australia we can still get access to the ones containing psuedoephedrine, which works amazingly well.
Can’t believe it has taken this long to see the inefficacy of these.
Still can’t bear to turn on the news.
What an amazing win by the Lions last night. Heart rate was through the roof, well done boys. 44pts down in the 3rd quarter to come back hard and win by 5.
I got my participation award!
Grain = Beer. This is my interpretation and I’m sticking with it.
Happy first day of winter all.
It’s a great step and worth celebrating. Hopefully it will encourage people to try PT and leave the car at home. Given the cost of living crisis I do hope it makes a difference.
That said, I do think charging $1 instead of 50c would be better, and put on additional routes and services. I think that is one of the main barriers to people choosing PT in Brisbane, or more accurately, Brisbane’s suburbs. So I think success of this is going to be limited because some areas are just not well serviced and often take twice as long to reach their destination.
Bloody hell that wind is cold!
Love me a clapped out ex Taxi BA! Congrats :)
The outside?
Was a great ride, amazing event. Was a sell out too, perfect day for it.
Spoken like a true middle manager :) I was one myself until a few years ago, I hated managing staff.
The 5 day work week is a social construct anyway. Life for all would be better if we all had a little more leisure and time to relax, not to mention other benefits like reducing traffic and emissions. When people are well rested there is less mental health problems, road rage, and generally make clearer decisions. Burnout is a huge problem across the workforce, at all levels.
Where do you get the ridiculous assertion that a bicycle is just a hobby? Plenty of people cycle to work, shops, visit friends etc. I am one of them.
Brisbane City Council openly publishes counts of cycle paths around Brisbane. There are literally thousands of people using these on weekdays to commute.