I mean yeah sure man if you want to make utilizing basic phrases and concepts into a “normal people vs pussies” type of dynamic where you are putting yourself in the latter camp sure dude, go ahead.
Whatever helps you
I mean yeah sure man if you want to make utilizing basic phrases and concepts into a “normal people vs pussies” type of dynamic where you are putting yourself in the latter camp sure dude, go ahead.
Whatever helps you
It does change. But it doesn’t change when a subjective statement is a subjective statement. “This movie is 4 out of 5 stars” “this game isn’t worth $6 or $8” are never ever going to be objective statements regardless of if it’s 1150 or 2991
I don’t ignore it. You’re just wrong lmfao. Objectively so. Not an opinion.
Goodluck out there kid. You’ll need it
Because there are multiple ways to say a particular sentence and some people opt to not use the most passive voice possible when speaking (taking an active voice).
Try it out sometime.
Sometimes you just gotta check shit out
Yep. The intended meaning of the original comment is a subjective opinion. There is literally no way for it not to be.
Hope this cleared things up for you. Really hoping you’re not a computer programmer or like… someone who has to talk to people in your day job.
Honestly one of the more relatable things he’s done
I’m not kidding dude you might be genuinely schizophrenic.
So under your grand interpretation, you should default to just saying “no, when they said that they actually meant it in the wrong way”.
You might just be too cynical and online to read man
Ok. Sure.
I found that in about thirty seconds of googling.
Are you like… do you not read the news much man…? This is like if you got confused because you had never heard of a shooting taking place at a school before
Yes they literally did. “This is not an $8 game” means “I don’t think this game is worth $8” when talking about a game that is in the real world price at $8.
No offense, but if English isn’t your second or third language or something you might genuinely have a reading/cognition problem. This is not like a strange use of language, this is just basic sentence structure that should be easily understood by middle school. It’s like the easiest question on the SAT
Once… what is happening in this US?
Are you not aware that people are punished / investigated for social media postings every single day? This is really not hidden news man lol
No he didn’t. He said “this isn’t a $6 game, let alone an $8 game”. Both of those are subjective opinion statements. He is referring to the perceived value of the game being lower to the actual costs of the game ($6 and $8 respectively)
This is really not a difficult thing. I’m not sure why so many Lemmy users are struggling with it
One of those concepts that, despite being done a thousand times by real artists, AI just can’t really capture in a meaningful way.
It’s very bleh. It’s got the elements. Hey look it’s a big star system and there’s kind of a big squid thing out of it and a bunch of eyes placed everywhere just kind of willy nilly. But there’s something the AI fundamentally doesn’t “get” that normally makes these types of pictures feel spookier or more interesting to look at.
It’s just kind of slop. Glad that it means real artists still have a place.
Yeah man I think police are on the whole stupid bastards but I still think if you reported seeing a post from a neo nazi saying he’s going to burn down the local gay bar on Facebook they’d still look into it
I agree ACAB, that’s why anonymous complaints are a good thing. That way the cops can’t easily retaliate on you if you report a neo-nazi threat you saw on Facebook and it turns out to be their buddy
Anonymous complaints are a good thing, it’s often important to be able to report something non-publicly. It’s just being exploited here.
Why do neo Nazis need to overwhelm the police system. They’re often the same guys.
I mean… most industrial machines have a stop button present on them (though not on the controller). I’m not sure that the sub having a “stop imploding” button on the inside of the hull would have done much good though
Yes. And the original commenter was giving his opinion. This is really not a deep or complex conversation and it’s profound that so many nerds are intending on making it one, presumably just because they at their core disagree with the guys opinion.