it was a good post, and we can’t have that, so the subreddit’s mods had to remove it smh
it was a good post, and we can’t have that, so the subreddit’s mods had to remove it smh
lmao i saw that one too
libs can’t stop adding new countries to the list of countries that are supposedly paying trump to be trump
yeah, you’re supposed to yell “uncritical support” smh
seriously. i can’t believe i’m saying this but redditors aren’t even nearly as misogynistic as these ghouls keep proving to be.
found the thread and there’s barely any pushback. anyone with lemmy alts wanna help?
update: holy fucking shit these losers are hopeless
or why the reddit exodus completely ruined lemmy
bump amber whataboutism volcel police
whenever i’m on my lemmy.ml account and i see something horrifyingly hateful and/or condescending, it’s a .world user like 90% of the time
it’s gotten to a point where i don’t even like to go outside of hexbear anymore because it’s just upsetting to see all this reddit-tier shittiness on a platform that used to be so pleasant in its early days. wish it had grown organically instead of having that exodus of reddit’s dregs honestly, but at least most of them seem to have congregated on one particular (blockable) instance
i’ve seen multiple lgbtq couples out and about in various chinese cities (guangzhou especially and i’ve been told it’s not even the gayest city there)
i myself look kinda androgynous and i got a few (polite and friendly) questions about my sex in some of the less diverse cities, but nobody was ever unkind or confrontational about it, which i can’t say about the US
there was also a foreign series about a gay couple i think that blew up in china a couple years back. i forget what it’s called but i remember the wikipedia article having some bullshit about it being popular “in spite of depictions of homosexuality being banned”
bump amber whataboutism volcel police
bump amber whataboutism
what the hell are they even trying to do with this?
it is in fact a bad thing that marginalized people venting in response to bigotry is equated to actual bigotry
this is straight up just “not all men” discourse but the word “men” has been replaced with “he/hims” [2]
the ones who aren’t peddling misogyny aren’t the ones being scrutinized, and when i say that there’s a problem with men i shouldn’t have to clarify that i don’t specifically mean every single man who exists, it should be a fucking given. all this discourse does is muddy the waters and make it harder to express that yes, this demographic is being particularly hostile to others.
why is this still a discussion on this site? holy shit
this is straight up just “not all men” discourse but the word “men” has been replaced with “he/hims”
observing that a disproportionate amount of misogynistic takes come from he/hims isn’t the same as saying “literally all he/hims are bad and that includes you”
tom morello is pretty cool i guess
to think this guy is president of the united states now
party isn’t the left