says the group is locked
checked it out and there is nothing there
Cute but tits are a bit too small
Sooner than you think you will die. And only at that point will you realize that you spent most of your life depressed about bullshit rather than actually living in the moment and enjoying your life
Even after the war Goering, with nothing to lose, never admitted that the nazi party had any direct involvement in it. Though it was TOO coincidental for them not to have been involved. The fire directly led to the enabling act which in effect made hitler a dictator
Because I really wanted this job I thought long and hard about my answer before finally writing it down in my application. My answer was “a large uncut cock dripping precum”. I really thought that I aced it and was so crushed when I didn’t get the job.
It was a job that I really wanted and was really disappointed when told my answer to this question is what lost me the job
Work for a director of a large company. I hear many things. The head of HR immediately comes in to “see” the guy I work for anytime someone has a legit complaint about things in the department. NOT to talk to the director to mediate the issue but how to fuck the person making the complaint
excellent shit post. Still laughing
Little participation. Posts and comments few
Have you read the “shitpost” rules?
I agree with you regarding Lemmy and leaning left. But none of us actually learn anything if we are in the right or left hive mind. And though it would be a long shot to form a group with no labels re “no tribes” it would be interesting if we could do it. Lemmy has far too many “dead” communities already. Posts and comments are 6 months or longer ago. We don’t need an other which is what we would have without upfront support
thanks for the links. I checked. One is really dead. Few posts and many days between them. the other one appears totally slanted to one side.
I’m not a fan of reddit. For me it was always a small group of Admins that imposed their control over everyone including the unpaid mods of groups. I’ve written about this before, but the other thing about reddit is what seems to be their ever changing reasons for banning people. And not just a ban for a week but permanent site wide bans. What I really object to is when a social media platform sells itself as politically neutral but really isn’t. There are Trump loyalist groups like patriots win and truth social that tell you exactly what they are. If you dare say anything negative about Trump you are banned forever. And that’s OK because you wouldn’t want to go there and at least they are telling you upfront what their deal is.
If Lemmy has this, I haven’t found it. But there should be a group for political discussion without labels. Regardless of your politics it is illogical to always defend “your tribe” since both sides do and say dumb stuff. The big secret is most people are not actually on the left or right. They are just living their lives trying to get by.
I also will never understand the name calling. If you have a different opinion it’s easy enough to have a civil discussion realizing that the other person just has a different point of view. That doesn’t make them a bad person.
Many years ago Saturday Night Live made fun of this whole name calling thing. Each week there would be a right vs. left debate of an issue. And the guy on the right always began his rebuttal this way
So what we all laughed at then is now far to common and accepted today
It always fascinates me. Many groups for political stuff. Yet a group for a few laughs has political stuff.
yes that’s how I would calculate it
this post was submitted on 05 Feb 2025 9,822 points (83% upvoted)
This is what the percentage is for this post. Posting this in case anyone is curious as to the percentage in agreement. Reddit groups that have a “flair” policy do not stop you from up or down voting a post.
How am I defending reddit. I made an observation. Is my comment untrue?
Of course the nazi party were thrilled to use the fire as a perfect excuse to take complete control