When .com shows up .net
When shows up .com .net
.com when .net shows up
.com when shows up .net
Seriously, I can’t tell what the syntax is supposed to be. Wtf is it supposed to say?
When .com shows up .net
When shows up .com .net
.com when .net shows up
.com when shows up .net
Seriously, I can’t tell what the syntax is supposed to be. Wtf is it supposed to say?
Speak for yourself. Lol. I could see that from Day 2.
Very carefully.
This is a modification of xkcd 610.
Please give proper credit where it’s due; more importantly, show some respect to one of the OG webcomic makers, Randall Munroe. The dude’s a fucking legend. Yಠ_ಠY
Big ass TVs?
Doesn’t sound sanitary.
Distantly loud Texas noises
A N D Y E A T H E L O R D D I D S P E A K O N H I G H :
I N A S C I I ’ S N A M E . . .
A M E N .
Lol, thanks.
What about my distinction do you disagree with, though?
Yeaaaah, I think you’re just a troll. I’m done here.
Friend, you’re overthinking this. It’s not malicious, it’s not to attack you, and it’s not to be rude.
It’s just a joke.
It’s like responding to a question with “yo mama”. It’s nothing but a piece of juvenile humor, nothing more.
As others have said and how I always see it:
In other words, all disks are discs, but not all discs are disks.
Here’s a shitty drawing I made to illustrate:
It’s an Internet joke: you end a phrase with “deez”, which makes someone ask “deez what” because it’s an incomplete sentence, and they respond with “deez nuts”.
It’s not rude; it’s hilarious.
Thank you for explaining. I appreciate it.
Sadly, I can’t say I share her perspective. I regularly struggle to buy food, so… ¯\_(°°)/¯
I don’t understand; could somebody please explain?
It’s a major plot point for the Jesus fandom.